Chapter 39: White Wolf

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•Yes, this chapter is LATE! I also wanted to add that my timeline does not match the movies/TV shows I've incorporated. I hope it's not too confusing! Enjoy!•

When I was young, my mother always used to tell me that when I was afraid, to always feel it. Never push it away, never tear it down. Just feel it and let it run its course but don't let it make you freeze. She would say, 'Вот для чего нужен снег'.
**'That's what the snow is for.'**

I always carry her words with me, trying to remember the feeling of her pushing my hair back and holding both of my hands while warm tears rolled down my cheeks. She was the only one who was able to calm me down in the midst of a break in my control, and it always terrified me. In my mind I would outgrow her, go off to university, live on my own. Yet, she'd still be a phone call away if needed. I'd never in my wildest dreams imagined things to turn out the way they have. And yet, my fear seems to be elevated these days.

My hand raises to the heavy door. I am apprehensive about knocking but itching to know the answers to my many questions. I drop my hand and rub my forehead, trying to remind myself why I came here and why I need to be here. I push out a breath and raise my hand again, only to find the doors opening on their own, brushing against the carpet underneath them.

"Nadya," Wong greets me with a slight bow, his hands behind his back. My eyes widen for a moment as my eyes peer around the sanction.

"How did you-" I stutter, distracted by the snow covering the otherwise dry place.

He smiles and adjusts the coat on his shoulders. "I was going to continue to wait, but you had been standing out there for almost an hour."

I purse my lips at his response as I step into the foyer. The crunching of fresh snow fills my ears and confuses me. "I'm-uh, I'm sorry to intrude, but I just have a few questions and I think Strange may be able to help me." I shiver in my sweater, trying to conserve my heat in the frigid air.

"Is this normal?" I chuckle, looking up toward the ceiling and finding small flakes of snow coming down and landing in my hair.

He shrugs as he drags a suitcase through the snow over to a grand fireplace. "Small miscommunication," he says politely. "Strange will be back any minute. You're welcome to wait," he mutters, and I nod at him as he walks through a portal leading God knows where.

I hug my arms around my chest and watch my breath come out in clouds. I find myself wandering over to the bookshelf, eyeing the titles of the grand books lined to perfection. They look brand new. Though I can't read the language they're in. It wasn't easy leaving the compound this morning. I left before anyone was awake, leaving Bucky fast asleep in my bed. I can only hope he'll still be asleep when I get back. So that I won't have to explain why I went to see Strange. It's not like I know anyone else outside of the Avengers.

"Nadya?" I whip around and almost slip when Strange walks through a portal behind me, feeling every inch of my body fill with adrenaline. His red cape is draped around an oversized jacket, giving him a more casual look.

Now I know how Sam feels.

I grasp the bookshelf and clutch my chest, trying to catch my breath. "Yes, hi," I breathe, and he quirks a brow at me. I shake off the fear and smile at him. "I'm sorry I didn't call, well, I don't have your number, so I couldn't but-"

"What can I help you with?" He interrupts me with a sly grin on his face.

I clear my throat and push my hair back behind my ears. "I didn't know who else to ask about this because honestly, I'm a little freaked out about it myself. Sam and Bucky don't even know, but I don't even know if it's true and..." I groan to end my rambling, covering my face with my hands at the wave of anxiety pushing and pulling at me. Telling me this was a bad idea, but knowing I'll be in the same torment, I was in before if I leave without any answers. Strange watches me with patient eyes as I pull myself together.

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