Chapter 9: The Trials and Tribulations of Tequila

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"I don't like this," I mutter petulantly with my arms crossed over my chest. Much like a child, my movements are made with emotion and swiftness. Zemo has gone around the garage, grabbing different things from various locations.

He babbles on about how his whole life mission was to end the super soldier serum, how Gods cannot walk amongst humans. The statement causes some anxiety to stir inside of me. If super soldiers are considered Gods, what are enhanced individuals considered? "How do you know you can trust him?" I ask, my anxiety getting the best of me in a blind situation.

"If it makes you feel any better, I don't like it either," Sam whispers beside me, eyes trained on the man pulling a small bag out of one of the cars.

"It doesn't, actually," I mumble and shake my head to myself. I did not sign up for this. Zemo stands from his previously crouched position with an expensive looking jacket draped over one arm and a small bag on the other.

"I ended The Winter Soldier program before," he says while shutting the door of the car. "I have no intention to leave my work unfinished."

I roll my eyes and glance over to James. He's watching Zemo closely. Like the small man is a ticking time bomb, one wrong move and he could go off. Destroying anything and everything in his wake. As he walks to the back of the room, Sam pats my arm gently and gestures for me to follow. Reluctantly, I put one foot in front of the other and follow the three of them blindly though the back door of the garage.

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"So all this time you've been rich?" Sam muses with a smile on his face. He slaps his hands to his thighs as we round what looks like a private plane, a very big private plane. We all haul our bags with us, having stopped at the freight plane before coming here. I narrow my eyes in the beating sun, using my hand as a shield to see the plane better.

"I'm a Baron, Sam," Zemo responds quickly, "my family was royalty until your friends destroyed my country." I furrow my brows at his response as we continue walking, coming right up to the entrance of the plane. "Привет, Озник."
**"Hello, Oeznik."**

"Добро пожаловать, джентльмен," the older man says, his voice strained. "И леди." He smiles in my direction and I give a weak one back, still weary of the whole situation.
**"Welcome gentlemen," "And lady."**

As Zemo walks to greet his friend, I can't help the shock I feel when I hear my home language being spoken. Oeznik leads us onto the plane as the engine begins to come to life. I follow behind Sam with James close behind me, face etched into a mocking smile. I glare at him and his grin grows wider, knowing he's annoying me. I step into the cabin of the plane, my heels clicking over the granite flooring.

Having never seen this kind of wealth before, I'm taken aback at the leather interior of the in-wall couches and seats. Polished wood covers the door to the cockpit and lines the interior around the seats and couches. The cabin is small but cozy, big enough for all of us to lounge in without bumping into each other. While Sam, James, and Zemo take their seats in the leather chairs, I opt for the couch and cross my legs as goosebumps rise in the air conditioned cabin.

"I haven't had the pleasure yet," Zemo says and I dart my eyes to him when I realize he's talking to me.

"Nadya," I mumble, ignoring the hand he's reached out to me.

A smug grin settles on his face as he retracts his hand. "You're a new one." A genuine smile replaces his grin when Oeznik walks back into the cabin, holding a flute of champagne. He hands it to Zemo, apologizing for the temperature because the fridge isn't working but he says he'll check to see if there's any good food left. "If it doesn't pass the smell test, give it to them," Zemo responds in Russian, gesturing to Sam and James.

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