Chapter 28: Fight like Hell

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•Chapter Warnings: Death & bad language words•

"How exactly is this going to work?" I ask Strange, continuing to bounce my leg and pick at my nails horridly. I've started to develop it as a nasty nervous habit. My eyes train on him as he flips through the pages in what appears to be a very old book. He looks rather engrossed in his activity, more so than responding to my question. After he called, he appeared out of nowhere, walking through another portal into the foyer of the compound.

"Yeah, we haven't exactly covered that yet," Sam says, folding his arms around his chest and glaring at Strange.

He clears his throat and spares both of us a small glance before returning to reading. "I'll be erasing the damage that's been done, in theory."

My brows furrow at his more than cryptic response. "And how will you be doing that?" I ask, trying to get a deeper understanding of what he's about to do.

"Reversing mind-control isn't an exact science," he retorts while he snaps the book shut. "If this goes how I plan it will, you should be back to your old self." He tucks the book under his arm and gives me a sarcastic smile.

"And if it doesn't?" I hear Sam chime in.

Strange tilts his head to the side and shrugs. "That can be discussed-"

"What happens if it doesn't work?" Sam exclaims in a stern tone, interrupting him.

He sighs and glares at Sam for a moment. "The effects may be made...permanent, in a way."

I feel my eyes widen as Sam steps around me, putting himself in the middle of Strange and I. "No, no way are we risking that."

"I think this is your only option here," Strange quips with another know-it-all smile.

"What're the chances?" I ask, peering around Sam to look at Strange. "What're the chances that it won't work?" I repeat.

Sam whips around to look at me, his eyes narrowed. He gestures to Strange behind him before looking back at me. "Nadya, you can't be serious-"

"If the benefits outweigh the risk then we should do it," I say, nodding to myself. "We have to do something."

"We can figure something else out," he says.

I chew on my lip. I know this is the only way out, short of being sent away or put in the Raft. "What're the chances, Strange?" I ask, again.

"About fifty-fifty." I hear him say and that small glimmer of hope inside me dies at his response.

I shake my head to myself and take a moment, closing my eyes and trying to remember why I need to do this in the first place. "Do it."

"No! Nadya, it's not worth it." Sam exclaims and I open my eyes to look at him.

I sigh and push my hair behind my ears. "Trust me," I plead, knowing he'll tell Bucky and that's when this will all come crumbling down. "Whatever happens, I'm glad we did everything we could." I smile at him dearly, trying to commit it to memory.

"You better come back," he demands, "fight like hell." He grabs my shoulders softly and pulls me into a hug. He wraps his arms around my shoulders as mine wrap around his back.

I nod against his chest. "I will," I whisper and he lets go. He squeezes my shoulder before walking to the door, not looking back as he leaves the room. I feel a tear run down my cheek as the door clicks shut. Leaving Strange and I in complete silence.

"Are you sure you want me to do this?" I hear him ask.

I nod furiously and wipe the tear from my cheek. "I'm sure."

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