Chapter 33: You Failed

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•Finally updating! This chapter was such a work-in-progress I was considering scrapping the whole idea. Happy reading! AND also, Happy unofficial birthday to Nadya, I think December 11th suits her.•

I remember the first time I ever felt betrayed. I was seven years old, thinking I could confide in my best friend that I had 'magical powers'. We had convinced ourselves that I was a witch, but not the evil kind. The kind you see in Harry Potter where the witches are the good people who defend others. I quickly realized I was wrong to divulge such secrets with someone whom I thought I could trust at such a young age. I was labeled a 'freak' and put on watch by all of the teachers after she had said I had threatened her with my 'witchy spells'.

Then, the accident happened. Confirming everyone's suspicions of me and getting me kicked out of that school. This, however, is a different breed of betrayal. If betrayal is the right word to be used in such a situation. This feels cold to the touch with sorrow, not scalding hot with rage. I can feel it, freezing over my body inch by inch while my mind tries to put together the infinite puzzle that has been my life.

He still has the weapon trained on me, locked onto my every movement like he's prepared to take my life. Shaky breaths escape me and I feel the warm pools of energy dive into my palms, making me twist and turn my fingers to keep it from escaping. "Who are you?" I ask, a shaking edge in my voice making me sound weaker than I intended to.

His blue eyes dart down to my hands and bounce back up to me. "Nadya, enough of this," he states, his voice shaking.

I raise one of my hands, cradling the ball of energy, and tilt my head at him. "Who are you?" I ask again, my voice no longer shaking but tears still fall down my cheeks at the hole being repeatedly opened in my chest. He clicks a round into the chamber and I feel my lips crack open into an ironic smile. "I won't ask again," I remark.

I dart my eyes to the side, sending the weapons clattering to the ground. Leaving him defenseless. His eyes bounce back to mine after following his gun. He sighs as he grabs the back of the leather chair behind the large desk. His green eyes bounce up to mine and a shiver wracks through my body, chilling my bones. "You ask like you don't know," he mutters.

My head jerks back as if someone had just landed a punch on my nose. Confirming my guesses but still leaving crucial information out. I shake my head frantically as tears begin to well in my eyes. "No," I whimper, "no!"

"Nadya, what's going on on your end?" Sam's calm voice comes through comms, taking me by surprise.

"He killed you," I mumble through my tears, ignoring Sam's question. "I saw him do it." He shakes his head while I say this, exasperated. "I saw it!" I exclaim. "I saw everything."

"Obviously, you didn't."

I don't recognize him anymore. Not the cold detached voice, not the grey streaks in his hair, not the slight stubble on his cheeks. Nothing about him is the same. He's a completely different person.

But so am I.

"All this time, you knew I was alive and you never once looked for me?" I ask, my lip quivering making me bite down on it.

"You were supposed to die that night, Nadya," he says simply like it's something I should hear every day. But it's not. His words hurt, hurt more than the bruised ribs I've endured, the hallucinations, these hurt worse than I've ever hurt before. "No one else. Just you."

My brows knit together and I shake my head as if it would rewind time. Take me back downstairs before I walked into this nightmare. "You're-You're one of them?" He nods, he doesn't say anything, he just nods. As if it's common knowledge.

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