Chapter 29: Refresh My Memory

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My breathing is heavy and ragged as my hand grips Bucky's tighter around my waist. Finding every thought in my head now diminished to dust. I had almost forgotten what it felt like, to be with Bucky, it makes me feel more than alive. After so many years of running, fighting, and being angry at the world, he's like coming up for a breath of fresh air. I feel his lips move up to my ear, staying there for a moment. My blood feels white hot in my veins. 

"I want to show you something," he breathes, making me shiver. I lean my head back against his shoulder, waiting for him to elaborate. I hear him chuckle and my eyes snap open to find him with a wide grin on his face.

I wiggle out of his grasp. "What's funny?" I ask, trying to sound stern but fail when a laugh slips through my lips.

He shakes his head and composes himself quickly. "Get dressed. I wanna show you something." He smirks and I purse my lips together to show my irritation. He nods his head towards the clothes on my bed but I hold my stance. We stand here for a few minutes, honestly I'm just hoping for my heart beat to slow before I move. He quirks a brow at me and I roll my eyes before grabbing the clothes. I stalk to the bathroom and press the door shut behind me. I pull my clothes on quickly, eager yet annoyed to see what he has in store. 

I step back into my bedroom and find Bucky standing by the door again, wearing that mischievous smirk he always does. "Ready?" He asks as he turns the doorknob.

"Wait," I say, making him turn back to face me. I fold my arms over my chest. "What do you want to show me?"

He shrugs. "If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise."

I raise a brow at him when he swings the door open, gesturing for me to walk through it. "You piss me off sometimes, you know that?" I quip as I walk past him into the hallway.

"My favorite thing to do," he replies as he and I begin walking towards the elevator. He wraps a heavy arm around my shoulders and pulls my body to him. A breathy laugh escapes me as he presses a kiss to my forehead. The action has caused a twist in our steps. 

I look out the windows to my left and see our reflections following us as we walk. I hide a smile when I catch him staring down at me, a proud smile etched into his features. "Can I guess where we're going?" I ask as the elevator doors open.

"You can try," he teases me as he begins pushing every button to every floor, lighting all of them up.

A laugh bursts from my chest as he presses the last button, leaving me completely clueless. "You'd think someone your age would be a bit more mature," I laugh when he gives me a look of success. He shrugs but keeps a neutral expression, careful not to clue me in on where we're going. "Are we leaving the compound?" I ask, my first guess.

He shakes his head slowly, looking up at me through his lashes.

I push a breath out to keep the blush from heating up my cheeks. "Okay, uh... are we going to see Sam?"

At this, he laughs, an ironic laugh that I haven't heard come from him before. My head jolts back at his reaction, feeling a bit silly. "No, Nadya, we're not going to see Sam."

"Well-" I slap my hands to my thighs, embarrassment creeping in that he found my guess incredibly funny. "You're not giving me much information to guess off of."

He smirks at me. "I did say you could try." I roll my eyes as the doors open to the floor below mine. He gestures to the doors and I furrow my brows at him, obviously confused. "This is our stop," he says as he gently grabs my hand and pulls me from the elevator with him. The halls are the same as the floor above, as I'm sure all of them are.

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