Chapter 41: Sapphire Martinis

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The mascara wand drags through my lashes one more time as if that would lock the entirety of my eye makeup together. Hair is done, as per usual, curled, makeup is done and now all that's left is getting dressed. Which, I'm dreading, how in the hell am I going to know what to wear?

I frown at my reflection, feeling a hole opening up in my chest letting in a feeling I know all too well; loss. I shut my eyes and breathe for a moment, willing it to go away. This day will be good. This day will go well. I gasp and drop the makeup in my hands when I feel a sharp poke in my side.

"Any day now, doll," Bucky says through a grin, pleased at my reaction. I glare at him as I pick up the mascara and lip gloss I dropped on the floor.

I groan as I stand back up. "Will you get out?" I chuckle, "I can't get ready with you in here." I gesture toward the door but he just crosses his arms, making me huff out a breath.

"Why not?" He raises a brow at me and I choke back a laugh, somehow feeling more nervous around him than I have in a long time.

I return to cleaning up my mess, seeing him like a stone wall that I can't get through. I check my hair and brush past him into my bedroom. He leans against the bathroom doorframe, his eyes straying up and down my body. Though I'm in a tank top and shorts, I feel as though I should cover up somehow with the blush heating over my cheeks. "You're distracting," I huff as I stomp into my closet.

He's all ready to go, as it usually is for men and dates. It must be so simple for them. I pick through the hangers of clothes, nothing seems like the perfect outfit to wear. This is our official first date, after all. "And it doesn't help that you never told me what we're doing!" I add as I rake through the hangers, not sure if I should dress up or down for the occasion.

"Don't you like surprises?" His voice echoes in my ears and I push out a breath.

I poke my head out of my closet, seeing him still standing against the doorframe. His eyes find mine and I give him a passive smile. "I'm not particularly fond of them," I grumble. I take in what he's wearing to try and find some clue as to what I should wear. He's wearing his usual attire, a black leather jacket, dark wash jeans, a black t-shirt, and his gloves. I sigh as I go back to sorting through my clothes. That was no help at all. I pull a black mini dress from the rack and inspect it, it's casual but not too casual. I huff out a breath, knowing he's still in my room and shut the door to the closet to change.

I pull the dress on while adjusting the sleeves and grab a pair of black heeled boots. I turn in the mirror, trying to make sure the dress isn't twisted and the boots are zipped up all the way before leaving. I grab a thin jacket that reaches my mid-thighs, just in case it's cooler out than I expect it to be. I pull my arm through the jacket as I walk back into my bedroom. "So, where are we going?" I ask, huffing out a breath when my sleeve gets stuck on my forearm.

I narrow my eyes at him as he stares at me, looking at every point on my body. He lets out a sigh and his mouth forms into a grin. "Still a surprise. But-" He stands from my bed and makes his way over to me, making the room feel infinitely smaller. He stops just inches away from me. "I think I may have had an influence on the way you dress." He finishes his sentence as his hand wanders down my coat, the corners of his lips turning up.

"And is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I ask, looking up at him through my lashes. My breathing turns heavy as his hands grip my waist, pulling my hips flush against him.

He lets out a breathy chuckle as his eyes finally meet mine. "I guess we'll find out," he mumbles, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the door. I stumble after him and somehow get a handle on my purse before we leave the room.

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