Chapter 35: Coffee and Cologne

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I groan at the sound of my alarm going off and pull the comforter over my head, trying to get the awful sound out of my ears. It was already late when I decided to go to sleep, but I spent too much time staring at my phone like it was a bomb. My fingers were fidgeting towards the call button and flinching back to the power button, willing myself to stay strong. Keeping information that big from me is not something I'm planning on taking lightly, so I'm not going to. It was three-thirty in the morning by the time I finally forced my eyes shut and set my phone down.

I reach an arm out from under my blanket and snatch my phone from the nightstand, bringing it back under the comforter with me. My eyes squint at the brightness coming from it as I turn the alarms off. Now that I'm awake, there's no going back to sleep.

I push out a breath and slide out from my bed, shivering in the cold air of my bedroom, and drag myself to the bathroom. I take my time getting ready; given that I woke up earlier than I originally intended to, I have more time to take an extra long shower and cover the dark circles under my eyes with concealer and foundation. I shake my hair out and make my way into the closet, picking out a black miniskirt, a black turtle neck, and some dark-heeled boots to go with them.

I quickly get dressed, trying to conserve the warmth in my body as I pull the skirt on. Before putting my shoes on, I jog back into the bathroom and run a blowdryer through my hair, letting it lay naturally down my back. I put my small duffel bag onto my bed after pulling the comforter back up and fluffing the pillows a bit. I clean up my mess in the bathroom and grab my phone, seeing I still have more than enough time before we leave. Getting an idea, I close my eyes and grunt when my feet fumble a bit beneath me.

A brisk breeze blows across my face as I step onto the sidewalk, keeping up with the steady flow of pedestrian traffic. Though it's still early, the street is crowded with people on their way to work or getting their morning coffee in, like I'm doing. I jog up the steps to the small shop and walk on my toes as I step onto the marble flooring, embarrassed at the loud clicking my heels make. I pull my wallet out of my pocket and wait in the slightly long line to the counter, my eyes glancing at the minimal decorations on the walls as I wait.

I cringe when my phone starts ringing, the dull ringtone playing at max volume, making everyone in the small venue turn to look at me. I grit my teeth together as I answer it, looking at everyone with apologetic eyes. "Hello?" I turn to the side slightly and brush my hair away from my face.

"Did you forget we have somewhere to be this morning?" Sam's tired voice comes through, and my eyes roll on their own. Of course, he wouldn't just text me.

"No," I say through gritted teeth and tuck my arm around my chest. "I'm getting some coffee. I thought you might like something stronger than what that ancient coffee-maker can give you after your binge last night." I chuckle slightly as the line goes silent, confirming my suspicions.

"Can you make sure they put that cold foam stuff on top?"

"Yes, Sam, I'll make sure," I laugh to myself. "I'll be back in like..." I drone off as I look back to the line, seeing it's gotten significantly shorter in my wait. "Five minutes. Should I grab anything else?"

He's quiet again, probably thinking. "Something that's got chocolate in it."

I nod to myself. "Okay, I'll see you in a bit."

"Remind me to buy a new coffee maker too," he adds.

"Alright," I respond, seeing I'm next in line. "Bye, Sam." I end the call and put my phone on silent, wishing he would have just texted me instead. I get to the counter and see a very tired-looking teenager behind it. "Could I just have two iced lattes, one with cold foam and two chocolate croissants?" I smile, trying to be as polite as I can.

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