*Bonus Chapter 2*

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•Again! This chapter is not mandatory to read but i worked really hard on it! i feel it really adds more depth to Nadya and what she went through when she first came to New York. The song ^^ i listened to it while i wrote this, it makes it all the more sad if you're looking to cry lol. more chapters are coming i've just been soo busy with finals. Happy reading!•

What color were they? They were blue, right? They had to be.


Maybe they were green. What color was his hair? I think it was black but it was too dark. It could have been brown. He had a metal arm. Which is a pretty distinct characteristic. But his eyes, what color were his eyes? That's all I could see, all I could try and gather emotion from.

"Excuse me?" A hand waving in front of my face rips my attention away from my spiraling thoughts. A woman looking more than angry is standing behind the counter, hugging her blazer around her waist and glaring at me. My eyes flash down to her expensive looking bag and she clutches it closer to her side. "Can I order or are you just going to daydream all day?"

I clear my throat, trying to find my voice. "Yes, I'm sorry." I tap the dirty screen in front of me and click the menu. The woman barks her order at me like a drill instructor. She tells me to keep the change and walks away from the register to wait for her food. My hope for keeping this job is dwindling by the second. I grit my teeth together and grasp the locket around my neck, trying to feel any sort of comfort I seem to have lost.

How do I go on like this?

I can't go to the police. I fled the scene. I would be top suspect. No one would believe me either. A masked man with a metal arm killed my entire family but I got away because of some superpowers I have. I may live in a world where superheroes are possible but this one may be a bit far fetched.

"Nadya?" I flinch when a hand grabs my shoulder softly and turns me. My boss, Austin, stands with a friendly smile on his face and a rag over his shoulder. "How are you doing?"

I look at the register and back to him. "I'm doing fine! I just um..." I trail off, trying to find a suitable lie. I sigh and roll my eyes. "It's just being in a new city. It's messing with my sleep." I smile and hope he believed my half-truth. In all honesty, I haven't been sleeping. Maybe an hour or so every other night. But whenever I close my eyes and wish for a dreamless sleep, I see him.

Austin nods and gestures to the clock on the wall. "Need you to clock out, kid," he says and my eyes follow his gesture to the time. My shift was over forty-five minutes ago. "We've gotta start closing up and you should probably get home," he adds and I nod.

I use the register to clock out, just as I have been for the past week. "Can I have the schedule for next week?" I ask him as I untie the apron from my waist.

"Yeah! I can text it to you if that'd be easier."

I chew on the inside of my lip. How does one tell a stranger that you don't have a cell-phone. It would be strange, considering every teenager on the planet has one now. "Could I actually have a paper copy, if that's all right?" I ask warily, hanging my apron up onto my designated hook.

He narrows his eyes at me and I force a friendly smile on my face. "Sure, yeah, I can do that," he says, nodding his head.

I pick up my light jacket and pull it over my arms, bracing myself for the cold wind. "Thank you, I'll um-" I stop before I leave the counter. "I'll see you tomorrow." I smile and turn to head for the door.

"Nadya, wait." I turn around, worried something may have happened. He jogs around the counter until he reaches me and a thought enters my head. "Do you need-"

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