*Bonus Chapter 3*

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A bubbly laugh escapes my lips as I take a sip of my drink, admiring Thor's sense of humor. He seems very innocent, a childlike innocence that transcends into his humor. He's refilled his pint glass full of beer a few times, and I've refilled mine. Long since forgotten about my words with Bucky. I tilt my head for a moment, my laughter coming to a halt.

Where the hell is Bucky, anyway?

I shrug the thought off, I'm enjoying Thor's company, and that's what I intended to do with my night. Enjoy it. I cross my legs and look at him. He's setting his glass down on the arm of his chair. "What did you call it again?" I ask, already forgetting the story he just told me in my weary state.

He chuckles to himself with a giddy smile on his face. "The Revengers," he responds, and we both double over in silent laughter. I hit the arm of my chair a few times, fighting for breath as my sides begin to hurt. It's not the title that's funny. It's the story behind it, and I can't deny the laughter it's providing me.

I let out a long slow breath as I finally calm my laughter. I bring my glass to my lips, and though the liquid stings on the way down, it soothes the burn in my lungs. "So, what do they call you?" Thor's deep voice rings in my ears.

I furrow my brows at him, a bit offended. "Nadya?" I say almost like a question. He must be drunk if he's asking me my name again.

"No." He waves me off and laughs a bit, and my cheeks redden. "What does everyone else call you?" I give him the same look, offense with a bit of confusion. He gestures with his hands before speaking as if trying to lead the words out of his mouth. "Like how Banner is Hulk, Steve was Captain America-"

"Oh!" I cut his sentence short, now understanding what he meant. I bring my hand to my forehead and brush the hair out of my face. "I don't have one." I shrug and spin my glass a few times, listening to the ice crackle against the glass walls.

"Of course you do," he says, sure of himself. "Everyone does."

"You don't," I crack back with a smile. "Neither does Strange," I add. He nods his head, accepting defeat. After a moment of silence, I decide to speak on the topic a bit further. "I do have one," I admit, and his eyes dart to mine, intrigue sparkling in them. "I just don't like it."

"Why not?"

I sigh and sink into my chair a bit. "I didn't have a great origin story like most of you have had. One where you get names that accentuate who you are." I pause and take a breath when my words begin to slur a bit. I smile when Bucky comes to my mind. Knowing the origin of the infamous Winter Soldier came from the same place mine did. I bring my hand up in front of my face and watch the blue embers emerge in my palm and dance around my fingers. "Sapphire Sorceress is what they called me," I mutter, "it's fitting at first glance, but I'm not a witch."

"Dr. Strange isn't a Doctor," he says, and I press my lips together to hold in my laughter.

"Yeah, he actually was," I respond, my laughter slipping through my words.

He laughs to himself and watches as I set my hand down. "I think it suits you." I chuckle as he bumps his shoulder into mine.

I admire how he didn't ask who had given me the name. He just accepted what I said and moved on from it, trying to comfort me rather than pester me with questions. My phone buzzes again against my leg, but I ignore it. Looking at the date gives me sorrow, but I'm content at the moment. I don't want to ruin it.

"If you don't mind my asking." I turn my eyes back to Thor, who has just finished the rest of his beer. "You never told me how you lost your brother."

The words hit me like a ton of bricks. I juggle the question in my mind for a few moments, unsure as to whether I should give a brief explanation or a full one. I clear my throat before speaking, "he was murdered." As soon as the words leave my mouth, I down the rest of my drink, hoping to clear the acidity that had gathered with the words.

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