Chapter 11: Unexpected Happenings

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•Chapter warnings: SPOILERS for TFATWS, read carefully!•

The streets of Madripoor are more crowded than before as we walk in the opposite direction of the bar. Text tones fill my ears, coming from both sides of the streets, telling me that everyone standing out here has gotten word of the bounty. I do my best to keep up with them in the heels and alcohol spinning in my head.

"This is not good," Zemo says, keeping his eyes focused on the path ahead of us. The light from the neon signs passing us bend around all of us, reflecting off of Bucky's suit and Zemo's long jacket.

The lights shut off above us and I freeze in my footsteps. Gunshots begin echoing in my ears, whizzing past my legs and a grip on my arm pulls me to a run straight ahead.

"Come on!" Sam yells, dodging men on motorcycles trying to intercept our escape. Sam trails a bit behind Bucky and I as I struggle to run in the shoes I was given. My hands fly to my head, looking over my shoulder as bullets ricochet off the buildings surrounding the alleyway. "I can't run in these heels!" Sam yells.

I let out a breath and crane my neck to look back at him, hair flying into my face. "Are you kidding me?" I exclaim. Nonetheless, we keep running with Bucky in the lead and I follow him blindly. We take a sharp turn into another darkened alley and come to a shrieking halt when Zemo appears at the end of it, shooting a man dead who had us in his sights.

"Where do we go?" Sam asks, out of breath. Suddenly all of them looking at me with expectant looks on their faces.

I duck when two more gunshots ring above us, taking out another two men I hadn't seen in the dark. "How should I know?" I yell over the chaos. Their faces don't change and I'm dumbfounded. "I'm not omnipotent, you idiots!" My eyes flash towards the motorcycles zooming down the alleyway, alive with neon lights lining the wheels.

I push my hands out, knocking them off their seats and onto the concrete, dropping their weapons in the process. I lean down, placing my hands on my knees to catch my breath as the world gets quiet again. I've learned to block out Sam and Bucky's thoughts, out of privacy for both of them. Thankfully, there's no one else to hear at the moment.

"You seem to have a guardian angel," Zemo says as he steps out of cover and scan the buildings surrounding us.

"Well, this is too perfect." A woman's voice echoes and we all turn towards the direction it came from. She pulls down her hood as she emerges from the darkness. "Drop it, Zemo," she spits, holding her finger on the trigger.

Zemo drops the small gun in his hands while Bucky steps away from Sam and I. "Sharon?"

I watch her walk up to Zemo, kicking the gun out of his reach, still holding her gun on all of us.

"Wait," Sam says, holding his hand up to try and deescalate. "Someone recreated the super soldier serum and Zemo had a lead." He stares back at us before turning back to his conversation with Sharon. I look to Bucky out of the corner of my eye, part of me wondering how they know this woman and the other part of me just wants to get out of here.

I look back at the pavement and close my eyes, letting all of the images flood my brain. She knew Steve Rogers and helped Bucky escape when Zemo bombed the UN. I purse my lips when I see something else, something I should probably tell Bucky and Sam.

Sharon is the Power Broker. She had the serum made. I look back up at her, she's not holding the gun on us anymore.

"I don't speak to my family anymore," she retorts to Sam. "I can't."

Join the club.

"Sharon we need your help," Bucky says, stepping next to Sam and I dart my eyes to him. She laughs at his request and I roll my eyes. "Please," he adds.

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