Chapter 17: Jealousy

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Blurry, my vision is blurry when my eyes finally open. Closing and opening back up as if they're on a timer, relinquishing to the throbbing pain flooding through my body every time they close. Although I can feel the bed beneath me, I can't seem to force myself to move from the position I'm lying in.

After what feels like forever, I push out a breath, forcing myself to sit up. A strained cry leaks through my gritted teeth as I do. My hand flies to my ribcage, pain striking me with every breath I take. My memory is hazy. What the hell hit me?

I don't recognize the room I'm in which sounds alarms in my head, only making the throbbing pain worse. The bed creaks beneath me as I swing my legs off of it, with the feeling of solid ground, I stand but my hand grips the bedpost for dear life.

I take a full, deep breath and stand up straight, ignoring the black specs beginning to cloud my vision. My eyes rake around the room, seeing nothing but beige walls and a blank four post bed against the far wall.

I slowly make my way over to the mahogany door, having to stop a few times on my way there, I walk into a hallway that I instantly recognize. Brushing the pain to the back of my mind I dart down the spiral stairs and into the wide set room, letting out a whimper when I see that I wasn't kidnapped.

Bucky and Sam stand arguing in the room, the shield sitting on a table behind Sam. The blood having been cleaned off of it, making it look brand new. Bucky's eyes dart towards me and Sam follows suit, hearing my pathetic cry. I clear my throat. "How long was I out?" I cough upon hearing the hoarseness cloud my voice, rubbing the sides of my throat together like sandpaper.

"A few hours." I look to Sam and see we're all in bad shape. Walker really got the jump on all of us.

I shiver in the cold air of what used to be The Flag Smasher's meeting place. I look between the two of them, both standing on opposite sides of the room. "Are you guys okay?"

"We're fine," Bucky says, taking his eyes away from mine. I sigh and walk over to Sam, trying to hide the limp creeping up on me.

My eyes scan the shield with curiosity, wondering why this has been such a big deal to not only Sam but to Bucky as well. "So, you got it back," I mumble, feeling Sam standing next to me. "Are you going to keep it this time?" I look up to him and narrow my eyes at the bruises coloring his face.

He's quiet for a moment, looking pensive in his thoughts. "Well, I'm not giving it back to Walker if that's what you're wondering," he says in a flat voice. I crane my head around to look back to Bucky, they both seem so tense.

"Did I interrupt something?" I ask Sam.

"Hey, you got your sleeve back!" A familiar voice echoes around the room and I swing my head around to see Torres walking through the tarp. He gestures to Bucky's jacket and he rolls his eyes. Torres' eyes meet mine and I smile. "Nadya, right?" He points to me with a shy smile on his face.

I nod, taking a few steps away from Sam when I see Bucky start to leave the room. "It's nice seeing you again, Torres!" I spot my bags on the floor and scoop them up before I catch up to him at the doorway.

"Are you off to 'take care' of Zemo?" Sam's voice echoes and Bucky freezes in front of me. He turns around, looking straight over my head and glares at Sam before continuing his walk.

My brows pinch together as I look back to Sam. "What's going on?" I adjust the bags on my shoulder, thinking we were all leaving.

He shrugs and brushes his hands on his pants. "You can stay here or you can go, your choice."

My eyes widen and dart between the doorway and Sam. "What are you talking about?" I ask in disbelief. He narrows his eyes at me but doesn't respond to my question. I chew on my lip and wince at the sting it brings with it. I take a step backward and smile at him. "I guess I'll see you soon, then." He nods at me and I look back to Torres. "Hopefully both of you." I sigh before turning around and exiting the building, hoping I can catch Bucky in time.

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