Chapter 14: Suspicions

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"Okay," I breathe as I stroll back into the kitchen of the compound with two bags draped over my forearm. I double check the bag I just stuffed full of clothes one last time to make sure Sam's toothbrush is definitely in there. I haul the bags onto the island and huff out a breath. "I think we're good." I glance at Bucky sitting at the island staring wide eyed at the two bags. I wave my hand in front of me, trying to get his attention. "What?"

He points to the bags, not tearing his eyes away from them. "Is that all your stuff?"

"No." I gesture to the bag furthest from me. "That one's Sam's. I figured he could use some other things too." I shrug and dig through the bag containing my clothes, making sure I have enough for at least three more days. I hear him grunt in response and I dart my eyes to him. "Are you sure you don't want to grab anything while we're here?" I drape my bag over my shoulder and go to grab Sam's but Bucky beats me to it.

I watch him stand from the chair and hold the bag like it weighs nothing when I struggled holding it at all. He smirks at me when he catches me eyeing him and I roll my eyes. "We can always come back," he says sarcastically.

"I'm not your personal method of transportation, Barnes." I turn and start walking from the kitchen back into the lit foyer of the compound. "Just because I can get somewhere quick doesn't mean I do it all the time," I say as I turn on my heel to face him.

He smiles and glances outside the glass doors. "Well, I think it's fun." He shrugs and walks past me.

I huff out a breath and dig my phone from my pocket. No messages from Sam but it is only noon here in New York. "Bucky," I call out, making him freeze in his footsteps and turn around. I gesture for him to come back and he trudges towards me, dragging his heavy boots along the hard-wood floors. He stops just in front of me and I feel my pulse quicken which he seems to notice with wicked hearing. I shake my head and adjust the bag on my shoulder. "I have an idea." I grin at him and shove my phone back into my pocket.

He raises a brow at me before his lips turn up at the corners. "And what's that?"

I hold my hand out for him to take. "Do you trust me?" I ask, trying to hide the smirk crawling up my face. Excitement beams inside of me when he doesn't hesitate at my question and he wraps his flesh hand in mine, intertwining our fingers. I lose my train of thought for a moment, too caught up in his ministrations before I clear my throat.

I close my eyes a visualize the streets of Queens, sure to be busy with pedestrians and traffic. Alive with small shops and restaurants. My hearing goes blank for a moment before I hear the sounds of car horns blaring and conversations being had. A cool breeze blows across my face and I can't help the excitement flowing through me. I open my eyes to find Bucky still standing, clearly getting used to my method of 'transportation'.

He scans his surroundings, clearly confused. Because it's so early in the day and I knew there would be people everywhere, I took us to an alleyway that I was sure wouldn't be crowded. He looks back to me with a smug look on his face. "If you took me here to jump me you'll be sorry for it later," he remarks in a joking voice.

I let out a nervous chuckle and shake my head. "No," I manage to say through my laughter. "Come on." I drag him out of the alleyway by his hand, finding he follows me quite easily. I spot the small sign a bit down the sidewalk and beam with enthusiasm.

"Where are we going?" Bucky asks behind me, voice raised a bit over the commotion around us.

I slow my pace down to match his and I can't stop the smile that breaks through my face. He tightens his grip on my hand and I look away back to the sidewalk. "Just trust me!" I quicken my pace until I'm going at a slight jog but Bucky's footsteps are big enough that he hasn't even changed his pace. I stop us in front of the small restaurant seated between a thrift store and a book shop and look up at him in the sunlight.

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