Chapter 24: You Guys Are So Odd

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"Drink this," Strange says as he slides a mug across the counter in the kitchen. After a lot of bickering, the three men decided to change my location to the kitchen to make this easier.

I'm still left with the yellow energy, it's just more like a sphere around me, keeping me caged in. I glare at the mug as it slides through the line between the real world and whatever I'm inside of. I look back up to him and find him grinning at me.

"You don't have to if you don't want to. But you look pretty dehydrated to me," he mumbles with a shrug.

I huff out a breath, looking down at the mug and fold my hands in my lap. I eye the facial hair surrounding Strange's mouth, it looks a bit familiar but in a way I can't explain. My eyes dart to the entrance to the kitchen as Sam walks in, narrowing his eyes at me as he does.

"How's it going?" He asks Strange like I'm not even here.

Strange's expression doesn't change as he watches me. "To be completely honest, I have no clue," he mumbles and Sam lowers his head, letting out an exasperated sigh. He breaks his eyes away from mine and lowers his voice. "You said they used some kind of code words before? To drift them in and out of consciousness?"

Sam's jaw ticks and he pinches the bridge of his nose. "As far as I know, yeah." He folds his arms over his chest and I purse my lips. "Zemo knows more about this shit than I do."


Sam's eyes dart to his and he shakes his head slightly. "That's a long story." They're both quiet for a moment, as if pondering what to do with me next. I find myself feeling grateful that I can't hear their thoughts. "Nadya, if you can hear me, tell me how to undo this," he says, gesturing wildly to me as if I can't hear him.

I stare at him and blink slowly, acting as if I don't understand him. "Выпустите меня отсюда, чтобы я мог закончить свою миссию."
**"Let me out of here so I can finish my mission."**

"Mother-" He grits out before turning away and I glare at him.

"I'm not sure how I can help here other than keeping her like that," Strange chimes in with a flat voice, pointing a glove-covered finger at me. That's strange, he wasn't wearing those before.

"Buck!" Sam exclaims, looking over his shoulder. "Get in here."

I keep my eyes low as slow footsteps enter the kitchen. The last thing I want is to see him.

"I knew something was off with her boss." I hear him grit out angrily.

I roll my eyes to myself and look to Sam expectantly. "Aren't you supposed to be the 'star spangled man with a plan'? What's your plan to 'fix' me, Sam?" I quirk a brow at him, seemingly getting under his skin with my Captain America reference.

"Is there a tracker in that suit?" The soldier asks but I don't look his way, it's as if he's not even there.

I pick up the mug Strange gave me and finally take a sip of it, feeling the warm contents soothe the dryness that's been plaguing my throat.

"My plan is to help you, Nadya, not fix you." I hear Sam's self righteous voice stumble into my ears.

"Is there a tracker in that suit?" I hear the soldier repeat and I finally look his way, gritting my teeth together to keep myself from lunging at him.

I smirk at him and take a sip of the tea again. His lips quirk up at the corners, showing me how irritated he is. "If there was I think we would know by now, don't you think?"

He glares at me for a moment before smirking to himself as if some bright idea has come to his mind. He turns to Sam and nudges his arm, making him look to him. "I think I might know what the code words are." I hear him whisper and my eyes widen for a split second.

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