Chapter 44: My Bucky

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•Chapter warnings: SMUT. I KNOW you guys have been waiting for this one. Let me just say this so you know how much I love all of you lol; I have sat at this computer for three hours, forcing myself to write this chapter to get myself out of this writer's block. It's currently 3:50 in the morning and I'm delirious from lack of sleep. if you happen to find any typos, let me know and I'll fix them! it's bound to happen in my sleepless state. Anyway, happy reading and happy Friday!•


I giggle as the scruff on Bucky's face rubs against my neck. Unsuccessfully trying to push him away to evade the torture. "That tickles," I manage to say as I squirm in his hold.

He brings his face back to mine and cocks a brow at me. "What? You don't like it?" He asks, referring to the slight facial hair growing on his face.

I shake my head slightly and press my hand against his cheek. "No, I like it," I whisper.

"Yeah?" He grins cheekily as his hand slides down the back of my thigh.

A blush heats up my neck as his fingers trail my thigh aimlessly, trailing ice through my burning skin. "Mhm," I hum, lost in the trance he's put me in, somehow unable to form any other words.

My eyes glance over every inch of his face, admiring. The way his lips turn up at the corners in a sly smile. The bright blue hue in his eyes. The slight stubble that was just tickling me moments ago. His distaste for overly sweet things. His own signature smell that I could pick out of a lineup. The way he talks. It all comes together to form into my Bucky.

My Bucky.

A smile forms on my lips at the thought. The passing thought that solidified his presence in my life. All the ugliness in the past, all the fighting, it's led me here.

"What're you thinking about?" He asks, breaking me out of my thoughts.

A smile crawls its way up my face, seeing him smile seems to have that effect on me. "You," I mumble, running my fingers through his soft hair.

"Me?" He raises his brows at me and I nod. "Good things, I hope?" He adds and I chuckle.

"Very good things," I whisper.

He smirks, making my heart flutter. He brushes the hair out of my face and sighs. "I wish I could hear what you're thinking right now," he mumbles.

I hum to myself and wrap my arms around his shoulders. "Only a luxury that I seem to have," I quip with a cheeky grin. His eyes widen a tiny bit and I giggle. "I never listen, Bucky."

A sigh of relief escapes him. "I was worried I would be in some trouble for a second," he mutters. I'm so distracted by his words, I don't notice his fingers slowly unzipping my sweatshirt until it reaches the bottom. His eyes never leave mine as he does this but a grin crawls up his face.

"Trouble for what?" I ask innocently.

My breathing gets caught in my throat when ice-cold metal touches my chest, his palm pressed against my sternum. "No bra?" He questions me as if he doesn't already know.

Again, I have no response. My head is empty while my subconscious is screaming at me to say something back to him.

He tilts his head at me, taking his bottom lip between his teeth. "Oh, don't go shy on me now, doll."

I don't know what it was about that statement, but something about it gave me the boost of confidence I most definitely needed. I move my hands from his shoulders and push back at his chest, forcing him to sit up on the couch. His eyes widen as I grind on his lap slightly and my sweatshirt falls off of my shoulders, exposing my chest to him. The thin shorts I'm wearing ride up around my thighs, making them look almost as if they're underwear. I slide my hands ever so softly down his torso to the hem of his shirt.

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