Chapter 42: Мудак

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The glasses on the table have since emptied, and a few more were drunk. The music continues to play but all I can hear are the words being spoken to me by him. My brain is cloudy, my vision is muddled around the edges, but I can still see the bright blue eyes scrunched with laughter clear as day. And the best part of all of it is...

I got him to dance.

His hand lies on my lower back, and the other grasps my hand, swaying us to whatever tune is playing in the background of my focus. I can only hear his laughter. "You did not," I respond to his previous words, chuckling.

He nods his head a few times. "We did- I swear we did!" He exclaims, trying to prove his point.

"I refuse to believe that you and Steve propelled onto a moving train!" I shake my head in disbelief.

His grip tightens around my back, pulling me closer to him. He smirks as his eyes drift down to my lips. "Sure did, doll." My breathing hitches when he lowers me down into a dip, abruptly, his hand holding my neck in place.

He pulls me back up, and I can't hide the surprise and amazement on my face. He raises his brows at me, and I finally let my breath out. I let my fingers lace through his hair and I smile. "And you said you couldn't dance," I whisper, snidely.

He purses his lips and shakes his head. "No, I said I didn't. Never said I couldn't," he scoffs as if it was a known fact.

"Hm, he's got jokes now, huh?" I can't hide the slight slur finding its way into my words. Though I intended to keep myself clear and sober tonight, that plan has failed. "Who would've thought?" My reservations about tonight being a surprise have long left me and have been replaced with adoration. There's a light in Bucky's eyes tonight and a light tone in his voice.

He shrugs. "There's more to me than what meets the eye," he says with a smirk but immediately regrets it when I purse my lips.

I nod a few times, trying to keep my laughter at bay. "I hope I get to see more of it, then."

"Got all the time in the world to show you," he remarks, and I freeze. It feels as if a solid brick came down and hit me on the head. Making me feel abundantly sober in the five seconds those ten words left his mouth. I take a deep breath and force a smile on my face, mimicking the happiness I was enjoying just moments ago. "What's wrong?" He asks, furrowing his brows.

I clear my throat and flatten my hands against his chest. "Nothing, I just-" I sigh, losing my train of thought in the music now flooding my ears and the light conversation humming throughout the room. "I just need to use the restroom and possibly have another drink." I smile cheekily at him, attempting to be playful with the end of my sentence but definitely meaning it.

His hands slide around my back to my waist, pulling me into him for a chaste kiss. He pulls back with a slight smile on his face, his eyes locked on my lips. "I'll be here when you get back," he whispers.

I push a breath out as he leaves me on the dancefloor, returning to our abandoned booth. I watch him sit down and pull his phone from his pocket, momentarily checking it. I fight to keep myself from hearing what he's thinking. I shake my head and turn on my heel, facing the dimly lit hallway that leads to a bathroom, hopefully. Few doors line the burgundy-colored walls, but I can barely make out the writing on any of them through the stained light.

I adjust the sleeves of my dress as I come to the end of the hall, staring at a dark stained oak door with lettering on it that has faded into the wood. I purse my lips and turn the doorknob and find myself flooded with relief at the soft lighting and linoleum floors of a bathroom. It's the same style as the bar, the walls a dark burgundy with a small cushioned loveseat placed against the far wall.

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