Chapter 15: Looking Strong

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After some light protesting, I failed to get Sam not to call Sharon for help. Without a valid reason, he just wouldn't listen. I can't say I blame him, though. He has known her far longer than he's known me. Now, with Zemo and Sam leading us through the streets of Riga, I can't think of a way to eventually tell them Sharon is actually The Power Broker. They seem to really trust her in a way that they can never trust me.

"What're you thinking about?" Bucky's rugged voice breaks through my thoughts.

I look up from my shoes and sigh. "Too many things." A light chuckle escapes me and I kick a rock on the sidewalk, following it with my steps.

"You don't need to be worried," he says quietly, "we're keeping Zemo in check."

I eye him cautiously and nod. "I know," I mumble. "But, that's not what I'm worried about." I freeze in place when I hear a familiar voice echo in my head. I dart my eyes around, scanning the buildings around us, the other side of the street, everywhere.

"What's wrong?" Bucky asks and I'm bombarded with another angry thought screeching in my skull.

I shake my head and direct my eyes back to the direction we were heading in, seeing them walk down the stairs at a fast pace. "Him," I mutter and feel the slight burn in my eyes dissipate.

"Karli Morgenthau is too dangerous for you guys to be pulling this shit," John Walker exclaims as he jogs down the cobblestone steps with Lemar at his side. All dressed for a fight too, both in their 'Captain America' and 'Battlestar' uniforms.

I follow Bucky and Sam around the cars parked alongside the sidewalk into the street. "How'd you find us this time?" Bucky yells to John, slapping his arms against his thighs.

"You think two Avengers can walk around Latvia without drawing attention?" Lemar retorts and I roll my eyes. We continue walking until we all meet in the middle of the street, meeting a very angry John Walker. I look him up and down, wondering what made him so special to be given such a historic title.

"No more keeping us in the dark!" He fumes, "you could start by telling us why you broke him out of prison!" He continues, gesturing to Zemo.

"We actually didn't do that," I chime in, crossing my arms over my chest.

He tilts his head at me, like he doesn't remember who I am. "I don't think I was asking you." I glare at him when he turns to look at Bucky and Sam.

"He did that himself, technically," Bucky says next to me, shrugging off John's rude remark.

"This better have an unbelievable explanation-" He begins to yell and get closer to us and I raise my eyebrows. Knowing everyone with a cellphone in the near vicinity is recording their new Captain America having a meltdown in the street.

"Take it easy before it gets weird," Sam, once again, deescalates the situation. I huff out a breath, trying to block out John's annoying thoughts as Zemo inserts himself into the conversation. I follow when the three of them walk around John but he blocks Zemo from walking any further, which only diminishes my patience that much more.

"Well, where is she?" He asks, a hand blocking Zemo from passing.

I bite the inside of my cheek when Sam tells John where we're going and he invites himself along to the party. Already making a battle plan like we're going to walk in there and cause a fight immediately. With Sam and John holding up the rear, I walk with Bucky and Zemo in the front. Already, another argument starting between two more people. Sam explains his plan, he wants to speak with Karli, reason with her. And I, myself, agree with him.

"What? No. Wait, no! No! Stop. Hold on. Stop, okay?" John jogs up and blocks us from walking any further, voice frantic with alert. "I think we're way past reasoning with her." He gestures heavily, trying to prove his point. I chew on my lip and scan the buildings surrounding us, counting the bricks surrounding an archway in a door and ignoring the whole 'my plan is better' conversation going on in front of me. "You're going to let him do this?" I look back to John, seeing he's now speaking to Bucky. "You're gonna let your partner walk into a room with a Super Soldier alone?"

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