Chapter 47: Promise Me

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•reminder! we still love sam<3•

A thousand thoughts circle my head all at once. Making me freeze in fear. This isn't like Sam. He saved me, he saved my life on multiple occasions. He's never given me any reason to be fearful of him. 

Until now.

He glares at me with an angry expression as my brain tries to file through all of the things I've hidden from not just Sam but the both of them. It's become hard to keep track of. Especially when I don't understand half of them myself.

I guess I'm more afraid of what he knows than how he's gone about trying to know it. It's my own fault, being in this situation. I don't know what he knows or what he's going to do with what he knows. That's what's giving me the frozen feeling, terror rising up my spine making goosebumps rise on my arms.

Does he know I'm a variant?

Does he know about Sharon?

What the hell does he know?

I shake the frozen feeling off, remembering the words my mother used to say to me about being afraid. I suck in a breath and scowl at him. Doing my best to remain stoic in the situation rather than look guilty for a crime I am, in fact, guilty of.  

"And you couldn't have just had this conversation with me at the compound?" I yell, gesturing behind me as if that would be the compound.

He doesn't respond. But the look on his face it's almost the same as the night I first met him. Filled with disdain and pity. Only with more disappointment. "Are you still working for them?"

"What?" I stand from my seat and begin to pace. Back and forth. Back and forth, as if that would get the gears in my brain to start turning.

He's interrogating me.

"What in the hell would make you think that?" I sneer. Answering a question with a question isn't the best route to go on. But, my brain isn't processing as fast as I would like it to. The thought of him thinking that of me makes me so unbelievably sad. That I would still be working against them when it was against my will, when I went through torture and mind control. The lack of trust is astounding.

Yet, understandable.

"Answer the question," he says, his eyes following my every move. He's calm yet the anger is vibrating off of him. It's very unsettling, seeing him like this. I've only ever seen him like this once, and that was when they took the shield back from Walker.

This is ridiculous.

I bring my hand up to my neck, twisting and turning my fingers until I feel the disk pop from my neck and into my palm. An instant feeling of relief washes over me as the electricity from the small device dies. Making my body feel distinctly correct again. I push out a breath and shrug my shoulders a few times as if that would rid the current flowing through my body.

However, my relief is short-lived when I hear Sam slowly get up from his seat. I turn to face him, holding the disk in one of my hands and the other up for him to see. I purse my lips together, seeing he has one of his guns trained on me.

A million thoughts run through my mind. What could make him so afraid that he would think to point a gun at me? Is he really thinking of shooting me? Or is this a scare tactic? Does he think I would hurt him, ever?

I'd never do anything to hurt him. I thought he knew that or that it was at least common knowledge.


"Are you still working for them?" He repeats his question louder. My eyes trail back to the gun pointed at me. Finding myself unable to focus on anything other than that. A split second and my life could be over. All it takes is a second of pressure on the trigger and the right spot on my body.

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