Chapter 36: You're Not Supposed To Be Here

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•LONG chapter but only because it took me forever to write it and find the perfect details to fit into it. There's a big surprise hiding in here that actually came to me WHILE I was writing it. I swear, the only good ideas I have come to me at four in the morning when I'm actually trying to sleep. Anyway, I hope everyone has had a merry and safe holiday and consider this my present to all of you! Hope everyone loves it!!•


I frantically get to my feet in an attempt to put some distance between myself and Wanda. From what I've seen and heard about her, I don't want to pick a fight with her. I'd rather reason my way out of this. Or try to at least. She stops once I get to my feet, staring at me while cradling two glowing red orbs in her hands.

My brows furrow when I feel my palms beginning to burn, gradually building up in intensity. I gasp as the red energy Wanda hit me with flows out of my fingers and ricochets back to her. She yelps as she flies backward, slamming into the porch railing. It shatters on impact. My mouth falls open while my eyes glance from my hands and back to Wanda. What the hell was that?

I should probably say something.

"Wait!" I exclaim when she pushes herself up, the red energy seemingly propelling her into the air. I'm frozen for a moment, lost in the list of ways that she could end my life in less than five seconds. Without a thought, I lay my palms flat out. Blue waves pool into them and curl around my fingers. She tilts her head at me, her eyes softening for a fraction of a second before hardening again. She throws one of her fists down, sending a bundle of red straight toward me.

I wave my hands in front of me, absorbing the shot before it can hit me. But still feeling the weight of it against my palms. It's heavy. I grunt as she throws another. "Wanda!" She throws another. "I'm not here to fight!" I exclaim behind my small barrier, trying to catch my breath.

"Then why are you here?" She sneers, slowly lowering herself back to the ground.

I let the barrier down but keep the energy in my palms. "Sam Wilson said you might be in trouble. We came to help you," I reason in a calm voice. I glance down at her hands and back to mine, finding many similarities in the way the colors move and the effects they have.

Her eyes do the same. She stares at my hands and her own, looking confused. "So, you're an Avenger?" She asks, an accent accompanying her words that wasn't there before.

I shake my head a few times. "Not officially," I mumble.

"Wanda?" Vision walks down from the porch in long strides, reaching her side in a moment. "I think she may be telling the truth," I hear him mumble in a low voice.

My mind catches up to my brain when I see him. "H-how-" My eyes narrow as I look at Vision, seemingly in perfect health. "How is this possible? He's-"

My words are cut short by my own gasp when I'm vaulted off of the ground. Wanda walks under me with her hands over one another, holding me in place at least seven feet off the ground. I grunt as I struggle against the tight hold it has on me, trying to break free of it with my own tactics but fail.

"Wanda!" A high-pitched shrill voice echoes in my ears. Her eyes dart away from mine as she drops her hands back to her sides, making me fall back down onto the concrete. I brush my hands out just before I land, providing a softer landing than the concrete would have given me.

"Now, what is going on over here?" The voice says again, growing closer.

Vision changes forms before I can even blink, his technologically red skin disappears and blonde hair replaces the silver plates on his head. I stand quickly, directing my eyes in the direction they're both looking with smiles painted onto their faces.

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