Chapter 12: Hangovers

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My eyes open slowly, like there are weights attached to each of them as a blinding headache sets into my skull. I force my eyes shut, ignoring the sunlight pouring in through the windows and the sweat breaking out over my body from the heat of the blanket. I huff out a breath when I realize sleep won't be coming any longer than it already has. I begin to lift myself off the couch and that's when the dizziness hits me.

This is why I don't drink.

I push out a long deep breath and slowly bring myself upright, keeping my eyes focused on the window in front of me. Wait.

The window in front of me?

My eyes shoot open as I look around, sending blinding pain behind my eyes, finding myself back on Zemo's plane. How the hell did I get back here? I pull the blanket off the couch in search for my bag and find it resting against the wall of the plane. I dig through it until I find my purse. Memories from last night start to flood my brain and shiver when I remember where I went, the people I met.

"Hello?" Sam's voice echoes through the phone.

"Sam," I stammer, through my hangover haze I forgot I hit call. "Hey, where are you guys?" I push myself onto my feet and grasp onto the chair beside the couch for stability. I shake off the dizziness and stretch out the soreness aching in my body.

I hear mumbling in the background on his end. "We're with Sharon, she had a lead on the serum." I hear a brief 'who the hell are you talking to' and my brows knit together.

"Why didn't you wake me? I could've helped... I would have-"

"I'm guessing you're not feeling too great right now, huh?" He asks in a smug tone, like he already knows the nauseating feeling flowing through me.

I chew on my lip, trying not to think of all the worst-case scenarios that can happen when they're literally with The Power Broker. "Sam, I still could've helped. I can be there in a second just give me five minutes and text me the address."

I hear him sigh. "Nadya, it's been a tough couple days for you. Especially with you being new. Take the day off, we got this." His tone is sharp but calm so I know he needs to get on with whatever I interrupted.

I nod to myself. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. Now go take a shower, use all of Zemo's fancy stuff you want, get some food or something, and we'll be back later." More commotion in the background gets my attention.

"Just... please call me if you need back up, please?" I rest my head on my arm, trying not to feel as useless as I am at the moment.

"I will," he says, "we'll be back later, we'll see you." Before I can say anything else, the call ends. I check the time on the phone, ten thirty.

Okay, I can find something to do to fill my time. I toss the phone back onto the couch and haul my bag into the small bathroom seated in the plane. I fill a glass with water and sip it slowly, having seen enough hangover scenes in movies to know when you're hungover, you take it slow.

I brush my teeth quickly and take a brief shower, scrubbing all the liquor that seems to be seeping through my pores. I use the fancy shampoo and conditioner that's stocked underneath the sink and inhale the pleasant smell, lavender I think. After leaving the shower, I'm still not in pristine condition but I'm better than I was when I first woke up. I fill the glass with water again and bring it with me into the cabin, my duffel bag on one arm and a towel wrapped around my body.

I take small sips of the water in between pulling different clothes out and putting them on. I settle for the outfit I had packed and ready when I was at the compound, black jeans, white sweater, and white sneakers. A much needed break for my feet from stomping around in those heels all night. I grab my makeup bag and head to the bathroom, doing my usual routine, mascara and brow gel before running the towel through my hair. Wanting it to be as dry as possible before I leave.

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