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New York is, as I should expect, as crowded as always. I suppose it's my fault for oversleeping and not leaving the apartment until late afternoon. I could blame my sleeping habits, or lack thereof. But I guess there is no one to blame. I keep my head down as I wander the crowded sidewalk, I just need to pop into a convenience store and I'll be back in the shelter of my apartment. Back where no one can see me.

But it's so warm outside. I've never had the chance to enjoy New York City in the summer. Yes, it's sweltering hot and sticky and smells a bit like garbage at some points. But I feel as if I haven't seen the sun in years.

A low 'oof' comes from me as I accidentally walk into someone. I blame my uninteresting thoughts that keep me sidetracked. "I'm sorry," I mumble but don't bother looking up. It's too dangerous. "Excuse me." I saunter around whomever it was and pick up my pace a bit. One more block and I'll be home free.

"Was that the Sapphire Sorceress?" The thought enters my brain and I roll my eyes.

Well, shit.

I was told not to leave the apartment but I did anyway. I lift my eyes and find the store I was looking for and duck into the air conditioned lobby. I pull my hood back and take a deep breath, thanking the universe that the store seems to be empty aside from one or two people who seem to be minding their own business. I smile politely at the woman at the counter and make my way to the back of the store, knowing exactly what I need.

I pull two boxes out from the shelf and examine them, checking for dents or any indication that they've been tampered with. I don't want messy results, especially with this. I've been anxious about doing this for weeks, I don't want to mess it up. In fact, I'm so deep into my search that I don't notice the entrance bell signaling someone has entered the store.

"Well, what do you need that for?" A sarcastic voice sounds behind me and I freeze.

My eyes fall shut as I turn around, two boxes in hand. "I just need them," I respond, not wanting to press the issue further.

The woman at the counter doesn't exchange pleasantries with me. According to her thoughts, she thinks I'm a bitch. I probably look like one. I don't speak either. My anger is evident now that I've been caught. After paying for the items I leave the store, but not alone.

"You know you weren't supposed to leave the apartment."

I roll my eyes at the comment. It's been months since Russia, weeks since I've seen Sam and Bucky. "I'm sure everyone has solidified the thought that I'm long dead," I quip and turn down an alleyway.

"Then what are those for?"

I hold my hand up and take a deep breath. I'm not much for conversation these days and with my roommate, all I hear is one sided conversations. "Yelena," I mumble, my composure slipping, "please, stop asking me questions!" I hiss.

She's nice, yes, but after the past few months, I just haven't been good company. I don't feel anything anymore. It's almost as if I'm empty. I worry it was the last parting gift from my father, turning me back into his puppet. Only slightly, I know I'm still here, but I'm not.

"Not my fault you're so secretive," she jeers and I purse my lips.

"Yeah, well, you were just trying to kill Clint Barton a few months ago and almost killed my friend Kate, as well. Do you remember that?" I sneer and her eyes widen. Her and Kate are friends now so I'm sure I hurt her feelings, though, I can't find it in me to care.

She huffs out a breath. "We are on the same side here!" She gestures between us. "I know it's not ideal-"

"Far from it," I scoff.

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