Chapter 27: Grand Theft Auto and Vandalism

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Is revenge a science, or an art?

After I was taken, I didn't entertain the thought I'd ever come back much. It felt, in a way, too hopeful. Like the moment Sam or Bucky would enter my mind, I felt as if I would break. Now that I'm back in my bed, in my room, around Sam and Bucky again, it's not how I thought it would be. For one, I'm on complete lockdown, rendering myself completely useless when I could be out there helping. And another, it's incredibly difficult to even be in the same room as Bucky as much as I long to be. Whenever he steps into the same room as I'm in, it feels like every nerve in my body goes into fight or flight, wanting to finish the mission but I can't let that happen.

I glare at the clock on my phone, counting down the minutes until I can leave this room. And, hopefully, successfully sneak out of the compound. I have a few things on my to-do list that need to be checked and today feels as good a day as any to check them.

As soon as the clock turns to six, I jump out of my bed and run to the closet. I'm eager to start this day and eager to end it. I pull on a pair of black jeans, a white cable knit chunky sweater, and some black heeled boots. I tip-toe over to the bathroom, knowing Sam and Bucky didn't get back from a mission until late last night. Of course, they wouldn't tell me what it was but it works to my advantage in this case.

I pull the collar of the sweater up, covering the disk in my neck and get to work on making myself look presentable. Almost a whole tube of concealer, some mascara, and some gel on my brows later and I'm ready to go by six forty-five. I set my phone down on my dresser as I leave my room, determined not to be followed.

It's only when I reach the first floor of the compound when I realize that my means of transportation are out of order at the moment. I chew on my lip and tap my foot, trying to think of another way I could get to the two destinations on my list that don't involve grand theft auto. A cab is out of the question, I could take one of the many cars stashed in the garage but the only problem with that is I've never driven a car in the city before.

Today's as good a day as any.

I backtrack back into the elevator, going down one more floor to get to the garage. Honestly, I had no idea there was a garage, let alone it being stocked with lavish cars. But, since I've come back I've had plenty of time to snoop around the compound and find areas I was never shown. I run my fingers along the many sets of keys displayed in a small box mounted on the wall, trying to decide which car will be the most inconspicuous. I wrap my hand around a small black key fob and press the unlock button. My eyes jerk to the side when I see flashing lights, telling me that's the car I'll be taking this fine morning. I jog over to it, goosebumps rising over my skin in the cold air.

I huff out a breath seeing the sleek black Audi I've chosen, I'm pretty sure I know whose car this is and if I'm right, he won't be very happy with me "borrowing" it. I slide into the car, almost slipping as I step onto the spotless floor mats. The interior is also black, with leather seats and a navigational screen that I'll definitely be using. I type in the address and close my eyes for a moment, pushing down every anxious thought and ignoring the adrenaline beginning to make its course through me. I turn on the heat and carefully drive the car out onto the gravel driveway of the compound.

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I grip the steering wheel, pondering if this is something I should be doing alone. I'm not an expert in combat, Sam has shown me a few moves along with the one's Bucky taught me. But I'm no Black Widow. I grit my teeth and open the door, bracing myself for the cold wind to shake my body. I step out onto the curb and walk past the small bookstore and the thin alleyway, making my way to...

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