Chapter 18: Seeing Him For Who He Was And Is

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•Chapter warnings: SMUT! enjoy!•

His mouth on mine is possessive, rough, and passionate. As he moves his lips against mine I can feel adrenaline pumping in my veins, almost making my knees buckle. It's intoxicating the way he kisses me, like he's wanted to since the moment he met me. He breaks his lips away from mine and tightens his hold on my waist.

I wait anxiously for his next move, feeling completely bewildered. He ducks his head and trails open-mouthes kisses down my neck, each one making my arms erupt in goosebumps. As his lips reach my collarbone, I sigh feeling as if I can breathe again.

He brings his head back up and leans his forehead against mine. His eyes pierce mine, completely serious. "Are you okay with this?" He asks, slightly out of breath.

I feel my cheeks flush red. I nod a few times at his question, feeling the drywall behind me rub against my head, not able to form any coherent words. A squeak of surprise escapes me as his hands creep down from my waist to the backs of my thighs, lifting them up and around his wide torso.

I wrap my arms around his neck and watch the way the corners of his lips perk up, making me realize I'm smiling myself. He walks backwards, not taking his eyes away from mine until he plops down onto the bed. He positions me so I'm straddling his hips.

He leans back on his hands and smirks up at me. "So, you're comfortable sharing the bed?" A sly grin creeps up his face.

I muster up all the momentum I can and push back at his shoulders. I'm surprised I got him to move an inch and it seems he is too by how his breath leaves him when he hits the mattress. My breathing hitches when his hands inch their way toward my thighs, holding me in place on top of him.

"I told you I was," I whisper, trying my best to sound confident. My brain feels fuzzy, seeing him grin at me and feeling his hands on me seem to have caused my brain to malfunction in a time that I need it most. I gasp when he rolls both of us over, pinning me underneath him. My legs stay wrapped around him through his maneuver. My eyes widen as I try to comprehend the speed of the change in position.

His head dips down and nips at my collar bone, running his tongue over it to ease the sting it brings with it. My eyes flutter closed as I take in the pleasure his mouth is giving me. "Watch the attitude." I hear him mumble.

"Or what?" The snide comment even surprises me as I feel one of his hands, the vibranium one, making it's way down my body. Stopping right above the waistband of my shorts.


My hands freeze in his hair. Just now realizing what this is and what's happening. What might happen, what could happen. What I want to happen.

"What's wrong?" Bucky brings his head back up, his lips swollen and red. His wide eyes bore into mine, noticing my hesitation. I bring a hand up to my face, brushing my hair back when I feel a sense of embarrassment take hold of me.

"I uh-" I hesitate, trying to find the right words without sounding completely ridiculous. "With everything that's happened..." I bite my lip and force out a breath. "I've never really done anything." I push the words out quickly and notice his face change from concerned to surprise. I find myself suddenly self-conscious. I wonder what my body looks like through his eyes. I've only ever seen it through mine, and they aren't as forgiving as (I'm assuming) everyone else's would be.

I brush my hand against his cheek, seeing him start to pull away from me. "But," I start and wait for him to look me in the eye again. "I want to do this. I want this," I add, sincerely meaning it.

"Are you sure?" He questions and I nod. A smirk crawls up his face as the cold metal of his fingers ducks under the waistband of my shorts, resting his hand on top of my lower stomach, teasing me. "You've never done... anything?" He raises a brow at me and I feel my heart skip a beat when his fingers begin to move again.

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