Chapter 46: Trust

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A sigh escapes my lips as I pour black coffee into a mug that I'm almost one-hundred percent sure is clean. No one really does the dishes around here. There's been no sign of Sam this morning. I checked the garage, his bedroom, the hanger, everywhere. Bucky has also gone missing as well. Which, of course, has me worried.

I place the mug on the island as I open the fridge, searching for milk. My fingers tap absentmindedly as my eyes glaze through the empty shelves with food items few and far between.

Grocery shopping could be a fun distraction.

I almost audibly sound an 'aha!' when I finally find the milk. Feeling victorious that I won't be using the last of it either. Although, I make sure to check the date before pouring a small amount into my coffee and placing it back in its rightful place in the fridge.

My hair is still damp from my shower, and after the morning I had, I just got right back into a pair of pajamas. And by pajamas, I mean sweatpants and one of Bucky's navy blue t-shirts that goes far below my hips.

For a moment, I sit in the brief quiet of the kitchen. No thoughts wandering into my brain, no fighting, no bickering, and my personal favorite; no nagging thoughts at the back of my brain.

Sometimes I wonder; am I truly meant to be alone? I only seem to be sick with worry or anxiety when I'm around others. Or, on the other hand, bad things happen when I'm around others. It just makes me wonder if I should isolate myself for the rest of my life to spare everyone the indignity.

Begrudgingly, I have to remind myself that I would still have my conscience to deal with. How could I live with myself if I just left everyone behind? Such a selfish yet selfless act if it would go beyond myself to protect them.

I shake my head to myself. I swear, at times, I can't control the thoughts that enter my brain, even if they're my own. I suppose everyone struggles with this sometimes, yet, I haven't found relief.

I press my palms to the sides of the mug, trying to ground myself back into reality and not get lost in my endless, spiraling thoughts. The warm temperature seeps through my skin and makes its way up my arms. Subduing the thought process for now.

I bring the mug to my lips but freeze when a thought enters my head. A smile creeps up my face as I set the mug down quickly so as not to spill any of the contents and sprint out of the kitchen into the foyer.

"Sam!" I squeak, and his head jerks toward me as I run toward him at full speed. I crash into his chest and open arms, relief flowing through me that he's back.

He's back, and he's safe.

"I barely took two steps in the door-" He mumbles.

My smile widens at his words but I nod. "You think very loud," I respond and pull back a bit, "where have you been?"

He leans down and grabs his bags that were dropped to catch my dramatic hug and lugs them over to the door to the kitchen. "Found a lead," he says simply before disappearing behind the door.

I scoff as I follow him. "And you didn't call?"

He quirks a brow at me, a sarcastic smile covering his face. "I didn't wanna interrupt date night," he muses.

I roll my eyes and take my seat at the island, needing coffee to get through this conversation. "What kind of lead?" I inquire, my curiosity getting the best of me.

He does the same as I just did moments ago; pours some coffee, sits at the counter, and crosses his arms in front of him. "Sharon has access to satellites. She found what could be the base we're looking for. I flew over and had a look." He brings the mug to his mouth as if that would be the end of the conversation.

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