Chapter 37: No Plan

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My fingers run through my hair as I throw the gear shift in park, now in the cold and stale air of the parking garage. Sam fell asleep half-way through the drive, leaving me in the silence I needed to digest everything that happened in WestView. Sam's soft snores echo in the car but I can't seem to get my hands to release the steering wheel.

My mind has somehow convinced me I'm some big lie told to Sam and Bucky, that I'm not real. I shut my eyes and take a deep breath, knowing I have a full day ahead of me of debriefing Bucky on what happened or else he'll never stop asking.

Sharp knocks rip on the window and I almost jump out of my skin. "Everything okay?" Bucky asks, his voice muffled through the thick glass. I nod and pull the keys from the ignition making the interior lights come on. "Wake sleeping beauty, let's go," he waves for me to get out of the car and I purse my lips.

"Sam," I say softly as I open my door. His eyes flutter open and dart around. "Come on, we're back at the compound." I step out of the car and swing the door shut, every sound booming in my ears louder than they actually are.

I toss the keys to Sam and hug my arms as I walk into the cool foyer of the compound, debating whether or not I can make it to my room and lock the door with no followers. Sam yawns loudly as he walks around me, dragging his feet behind him tiredly.

"No one bother me for the rest of the day," he grumbles as he pushes the button calling the elevator.

I sigh and take feeble steps into the kitchen. I drop into one of the seats at the island and bury my face in my hands. I don't know how to describe what I'm feeling. Nothing and everything at the same time is the only explanation I can come up with. I fold my arms over the countertop and glance out the window, seeing as it's still early, the sun is still high. Coming in through beams into the kitchen, illuminating and warming it.

"Can we talk?" I turn my head, finding Bucky leaning against the far counter.

How long has he been in here?

I reluctantly nod my head, still feeling anger towards him despite what I've learned. He sits across from me at the island and I give him a weak smile. "Have you found any leads?" I question, pulling my sleeves over my fingers, a weak attempt at concealing the decaying colors encroaching my fingers.

He glares at me for a moment and the air suddenly feels heavier. Somehow it always does when he's in the room. "That's not what we're going to talk about," he rasps, shaking his head at me.

I sigh while my eyes roll to the back of my head. "I already told both of you there was nothing we could do, it's not like you guys could get in there anyway-"

"That's not what we're going to talk about, either," he interrupts me and I furrow my brows at him, silently conveying my confusion. He leans back in his chair, pulling the sleeves of his jacket off and laying on the back of the chair. I purse my lips and force my eyes down to the marble counter. "I want you to know what happened."

"I know what happened," I retort, not looking him in the eye.

"No, Nadya, you don't."

"Then explain it," I hiss, gritting my teeth together, finally feeling my anger come back.

He's quiet for a moment and I almost get up to leave. The silence is loud, echoing in my ears reminding me I'm not actually alone. "Can you look at me, please?" My eyes fall closed at his request, feeling a dent in my anger form almost cracking it open.

"Nadya," he says and I let my breath out, finally looking up at him and waiting for him to talk. His head lowers and he places both of his hands on the counter. "Your father..." he trails off, his jaw ticking before he continues. "He was high up on the list in HYDRA. You've heard of Alexander Pierce, right?"

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