Chapter 19: Together

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The soft rays of sunlight peeking in through the windows cast shadows over Bucky's face. I don't think I've ever seen him look so peaceful before, he's not scowling, staring, glaring. Just sleeping, peacefully with his arm draped around my torso. I gently turn over onto my side, admiring his soft features that I almost never see and smile a bit when his arm tightens around my side. My eyes glance down to his metal arm, the thin line that connects his flesh to the vibranium.

I trace my finger over the metal, remembering how forced the one HYDRA had given him was. The lines between skin and metal were jagged, his skin was scarred, and it was painted with a glistening red star to assume what side his loyalties were on. But now, as I admire the work the Wakandans did for him in getting him a new arm, the lines aren't jagged, his skin isn't scarred, and there's no big red star on the side. The soft light reflects off the silver and gold lining as I trace my fingers over the gold increments.

"That tickles." Bucky's raspy voice breaks me out of my trance and my fingers freeze in place. I look up to him and see his eyes are still closed but his lips are quirking up at the corners. I force back a smile and rest my hand on the metal, eyes still locked on his relaxed face. "You're staring," he mumbles.

My brows knit together, wondering how he knows I'm looking at him. I begin to trace around the gold lines in his arm again. "I'm gazing," I whisper, biting back a grin.

He takes a deep breath making my eyes dart down to how his chest rises and falls. "It's creepy," he huffs, eyes still closed.

"It's romantic," I counter.

He grins to himself. "I thought I was the one with the staring problem." His words are slurred together from sleep and his hair is glowing an golden brown in the sunlight.

I shrug to myself. "Maybe it's contagious," I joke, squealing when his eyes dart open and he flips on top of me, pinning both my hands next to my head.

"Oh, then you definitely have it." He smirks and I feel my cheeks go red, knowing what he's referring to. Suddenly at a loss for words, I purse my lips together, feeling the fabric of his sweatpants rubbing against my thighs and seeing them hang low on his hips has driven every single possible word from my mind.

"Nothing to say now, huh?" He questions, burying his face in my neck and pressing open mouthed kisses to it.

I stifle a moan and run my fingers through his hair, feeling heat spread through my entire body. My hands freeze when I hear footsteps running around the house and I'm suddenly aware we're not entirely alone. "Bucky..." I chuckle when I feel him freeze his movements, certainly hearing what I did. "I think Sam's nephews are awake," I mutter, hearing the barreling thoughts of the two little boys, and feel him sigh into my neck.

He sucks in a breath as he leans back up, looking through his lashes at me. "Had to get up at some point, I guess," he mumbles before pressing a chaste kiss to my lips.

I smile at him and run my fingers over the stubble on his cheek. "I need to take a shower," I whisper, afraid someone will walk into the room if they hear our voices.

He smirks. "Sounds great, let's go." He raises his brows at me and pulls me up by my arms into a sitting position.

I laugh quietly and push back at his chest, climbing on top of him. "I need to take a shower," I repeat, brushing my hair behind my ear. "Then we need to figure out what's going on with Sam and the shield-" I pause when a frown forms on his face.

"I'll be right back." I lean down and press my lips to his, planning a short kiss but my plan is short-lived when his hand reaches around my neck, pulling me further down to him. I hum into his mouth, pushing back at his chest gently. "Bucky," I breathe, leaning my forehead against his.

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