Chapter 21: He's a Bad Man

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•Chapter Warnings: Death•

A sharp gasp rips from my lips when something heavy and ice cold hits my body. I jolt up from the ground, feeling my hair stick to my face and solid stone underneath my palms. A strangled breath escapes me as my body begins to tremble. The thick material of my suit sticks to me, making every part of my body freeze. It feels heavy, gross, somehow suffocating as it suctions to every crevice on my body. I wipe the water from my eyes and try to lift myself off the ground with shaking arms.

"So glad you're awake." A man's voice says, startling me. I lean on my elbows, body still lying flat on the stone ground and look up to the man.

I glare at him, keeping my mouth shut. I eye the uniform he's wearing, there's nothing identifiable about it. Its a black jumpsuit with black heavy boots. I flinch away when he sets down the large bucket used to throw water on me.

"I'm sure you're feeling very...betrayed as of now," the accent is plaguing his voice, the voice I thought I knew.

"What do you want?" I spit out, feeling the hoarseness in my throat.

He chuckles as he leans down onto his knees, avoiding the water soaking into the stone. "You already know what we want, Nadya."

I shake my head frantically. "No-no, I don't. I-" I stop, suddenly remembering that night in the woods, the men, the guns, their demand. "No," I retort, my voice shaking through my tremors.

"Have you gone soft for the man who killed your family?" He tilts his head at me and I grit my teeth together.

"I thought HYDRA was taken care of," I remark in a snide voice despite my fear. "Wasn't it Steve Rogers who finished the job?" I grunt when a slap is administered, whipping my face to the side, making my vision cloud for a moment.

"You're never going to turn him into the Winter Soldier again." I turn back to him and grimace at the redness in his face.

He quickly composes himself, straightening out the sleeve of his jumpsuit and brushing his hair back. "That was not our objective," he says quietly, "Barnes is a loose thread that needs to be tied. A means to an end."

I ignore the rage his statement gives me, the blinding red seeping into my eyes. "You'll never get him," I say with a smirk.

He shakes his head in amusement. "No, but you will." Goosebumps erupt over my entire body at the alternate meaning behind his words.

"No," I breathe, "no, Austin, please." My begging is desperate, pathetic sounding, it echoes off the stone walls and falls back into my ears, mocking me.

He smiles at me again. "My name is not Austin, Nadya," he says casually, "but you will deliver him to us."

"I won't!" I yell, using every ounce of energy left in my body.

He chuckles, a chuckle deep in his chest, like he finds my torture amusing. I cry out when he grips the side of my head, pulling on my hair to force my neck to the side. He pulls me up into a sitting position and I can't even fight back. My body is completely weak as if it's made of straw. My eyes widen when he pulls a large syringe from the pocket on his chest. I whimper, shaking my head frantically trying to get out of his grasp.

"Oh, but you will." He pouts his lip at me as tears roll down my cheeks, desperation filling my chest.

"Why me?" My voice comes out in a pathetic whimper and his grip tightens in my hair.

"You'll find out soon enough," he hisses.

I find myself wishing, hoping, praying that Bucky and Sam will bust through the door at any moment and rip me away from here. That the disk in my neck will magically pop off and I'll be able to get out of here myself.

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