Chapter 6: Captain John Walker and Battlestar

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I hold my ground, hand shaking as she tries to break free from my hold. She's strong, almost too strong. The taller of the two men makes his way dangerously close to me and my brain freezes. What do I do? I don't know how to fight, I don't know how to defend myself.

Hands on learning has always been my thing, thankfully.

As his right foot hits the truck I shove my hand out, hoping whatever happens will protect me. He yelps as he falls onto his back on top of the truck, the force of the power and his weight dents the metal beneath him. The wind whips my hair around my face, disrupting my vision and my focus. A loud gasp escapes me when a blunt strike of pain hits my cheek.

My head rears to the side and I'm knocked down on all fours at the force of the punch. I shake my head a few times, trying to rock my brain back into place. I look up and see the redheaded woman; Karli Morgenthau. She's stalking up to me, though I can't see her face, I can hear her thoughts. They make a shiver rise up my spine, she's not here to fight, she's here to kill. She brings her foot up and kicks me hard in the stomach, making me cry out. It burns, like acid is crawling up my throat from the force of her assault.

"Hey!" Barnes yells over the wind and a sense of shock takes over me. Surprised that he'd ever do anything to help me. I brace myself for another hit when something reflects off the sunlight, catching my eye.

Distracting me.

I look up to see a small and minuscule plane in the sky, gliding toward us. I gulp when it begins to shoot at the truck, not having any particular target in mind. I wave my hands in front of me, creating a makeshift shield. My face twists as bullets ricochet off of the energy, stinging my hands. My eyes widen when Karli jumps up, catching the plane and snapping it in two over her knee.

"I've always wanted to do that," Barnes says before one of the men land a punch right on his cheek. I spot Sam coming in, gliding towards the trucks, so I stand and make my way over to Barnes. "Good of you to join the fight, Sam!" Barnes exclaims as he kicks one of the men in the shin, making them double over and release his hold on him.

Before he can stand back up, I brush my hands out, holding him down against the metal of the truck. I cry out as my hands shake against the strength this man has, I push back at him, forcing a dent into the metal.

"No! Sam!" I exclaim as he's tossed over to the other truck, more masked freaks ready and willing to beat him. I look over to Barnes, who's dealing with his own two and I groan. I ball up my hands and punch in the air, knocking the man on the truck unconscious. I turn to jump over when a shield glides through the air, hitting the man standing over Sam. It ricochets back up to a helicopter I hadn't even noticed was hovering closely to the trucks.

I look up and see a blur of blue and red jumping onto the truck I'm still standing on. I tilt my head at him, John Walker. The new wanna be Captain America. And another, Lemar Hoskins swings out of the helicopter, knocking one of the masked people off of the truck.

At this point, everyone starts handling their own. I jog over to Barnes and the three people in masks that keep relentlessly pounding into him. I brush both my hands out, stopping two of them from moving all together.

The shield swings past my face quicker than I can comprehend and hits the last one, knocking him down for the count before pulling back to John. I bring my hands down, forcing the two I have in my clutches to hit their backs on the truck, rendering them unconscious. Barnes stares at me for a moment before I look away, directing my eyes to Sam.

"Sam. John Walker, Captain America," John shouts over the wind with a salute to Sam, which he glares at.

"Lemar Hoskins," His friend shouts next to him.

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