Chapter 1

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After unpacking her things, she walk to the downstairs and sit on the couch at the living room to watch some movies while waiting for her mom coming back. After for a while, her mom comeback and rush to her to give her a big hug.

"Hmmmm my daughter. I miss you!!" Her mom said and she responded to her hug before broke the hug and looking at each other face.

"How's your work there?" Her mom ask while stroking tzuyu's hair. She slightly smile before answered.

"It's good. Just like usual, photoshoot and others.." She said while shrugging her shoulder.  Her mom nodded while smiling and looking at her, adoring her own daughter face since they did not meet for one year already.

Actually, Tzuyu was working at New York as a model for 1 year already and yeah, she was a top model there. Everyone adoring her,know her and tried to flirt with her but nah, she doesn't have any intentions to have a boyfriend yet. She seems don't trust any guy..

Since her work there already finished, she make a decision to continue her carrier as a model here in Korea and she thinks it such a good decision because she can meet her besfriends a.ka. her unnies and also her parents often start from today!

"Mom, why did you staring at me like that??!!" She ask while furrowing her eyebrows.

"Nothing. Just because I haven't see you in a year!" Her mom chuckled and she just shook her head.

"Erm... Tzuyu-ah, I want to tell you something. But not today! By the way, tonight we will have a dinner at my friend's house. Make sure to wear something nice okay!" Her mom said while patting her head. Her eyes widened and she quickly shook her head.

"I don't want to go! I'm tired!!! I just arrived and then you ask me to go have a dinner with your friend's house???!!! Nope!" She said in annoyed and wearing a unsatisfied face.

"No, i don't accept your excuse." Her mom smiling and winking to her. She frown and rolled her eyes in annoyed. She sigh deeply and walk to her room, stomping her feet in protest.

She jump on her bed and started to texting some messages to her unnies and wanted to meet them as soon as possible since she really miss them.


"Kook-ah!" His mom shout from downstairs. He walk to the downstairs and towards his parents at the living room.

"Why?" He ask while sitting on the couch across of his parents. He raise his eyebrows in curios.

"We will have a dinner tonight together. Don't going back to your house." His dad said make he furrowed his eyebrows. By the way, jungkook already have his own house and he sometimes will sleep at his parents house, sometimes at his own house.

"Why????!!!! Is it too important?!" He ask coldly and have some weird feelings since his parents never told him like this.

"Yes. It's important dinner." His mom said while slightly smiling. He sigh and rolled his eyes.

"Please? Can you join us?" His mom ask again with a upset face and wanted to convince him to join this dinner no matter what. He look at his mom face before hummed and look away.

It's already 7:00 PM and he already put on his black pants with a black long sleeve shirt. Jungkook keep sighing because he don't want to join this dinner actually. He though it's better to hang out with his hyungs.

On the other side, tzuyu and her parents already arrived at his house and they greeted by jungkook's parents nicely.

"This is your daughter??!!!" His mom ask and pull her to give her a hug. She responded to the hug awkwardly before they broke the hug.

"Yes this is my daughter. Tzuyu, this is my bestfriend, Mrs.Jeon." Her mom said to her and she just nodded and give a warm smile.

"You're really beautiful!" His mom said to her while caressing her cheeks.

"Ah no a-auntie. You're more beautiful!" She said awkwardly and quiet embarrassed of the compliment.

"Let's get in!" Jungkook's mom said and dragging tzuyu's hand and also her mom hand towards the kitchen. They take a sit at the table that full of foods. Jungkook's mom look at her husband face with a questioning face.

"Where is jungkook?" She ask her husband. Jungkook's dad just shrugging his shoulder. Tzuyu furrowed her eyebrows in curious.

'Jungkook?' She questioning herself in her mind.

"Here!" Jungkook said with a stern voice while walking towards them makes all of their parents including tzuyu look at his direction. Her eyes widened and so do jungkook. His step immediately froze when his eyes meets hers.

"YOUUUU???!!!!" They shout in unison. Their parents was dumbfounded and look at the two of them in turn.

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