Chapter 48

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Next week, Tzuyu wanted to introduce minju to Jaehyun just like what she plan before this. It's already in the evening and the time to her going back from her works.

"Jaehyun-ah!" She shout when seeing Jaehyun walking in front of her. Jaehyun raising his eyebrows and walk to her.

"Yes, Mrs. Jeon?" He chuckled and so do her.

"Can you wait here with me for a while?"

"Why?!" He ask while furrowing his eyebrows.

"CHOI TZUYU!!!" Someone shout and she already know who is it. It was Jungkook who glaring towards her and Minju was hiding behind him. Tzuyu know when he call her full name like that, he's obviously in jealous. He walk towards her with minju while glaring deeply to Jaehyun.

"What are you talking with him?!" He ask and grabbing tzuyu closer by her waist. Minju was looking at Jaehyun as the two of them meeting their eyes. Minju seem didn't like him and rolled her eyes makes Jaehyun raise his eyebrows.

"Kook... We already talk before this right, I want to introduce Jaehyun to minju. I know Jaehyun is a good guy. Please?" Tzuyu whispered and holding his hand. He sigh and look at Jaehyun.

Suddenly minju grab tzuyu's hand in excited.

"Unnie... Where is he??!!" Minju excitedly ask tzuyu without knowing that jaehyun is a guy in front of her. Tzuyu furrowed her eyebrows and smiling.

"Jaehyun-ah, this is jungkook's sister, Minju. I want to introduce her to you." Tzuyu said makes minju mouth hang open and look at him and then to tzuyu again in turn.

"What?! Unnie?! He was that jaehyun??!!" Minju said in half shout. She then lean to tzuyu's ear and whispered.

"Unnie... He doesn't looks like what you described! Ah I don't like him!" Her whispered was loud enough to hear by Jaehyun. Jaehyun raise his eyebrows with a little smirk.

"Your sister looking good too huh." Jaehyun suddenly whispered to Jungkook and tap his shoulder.

"Yah! Youu!!!! If you do something bad I will kill you!! Don't touch her!!!" Jungkook said and giving a deep glare. Tzuyu chuckled meanwhile minju wearing her annoyed face and keep rolling her eyes.

"Let's going back!" Jungkook said makes minju immediately dragging tzuyu to the outside of the building leaving Jungkook and Jaehyun alone.

Jungkook want to walk away but Jaehyun suddenly block his way.

"Don't worry about your wife. I already Consider her as my sister. And... Maybe you can consider me as a brother in law too?" Jaehyun said and chuckled. Jungkook squinting his eyes to him.

"What? You want to courting my sister?" He ask.

"I think? She's quiet interesting huh?" Jaehyun said and smirking.

"Didn't you hear that she doesn't like you? So... Erm good luck. She's stubborn." Jungkook smirking and shrugging his shoulder and wanted to walk away but Jaehyun grab his shoulder.

"Yah!! Didn't you remember tzuyu also don't like you too when you guys getting married!"

"Yeah, because I was too good in getting her heart that's why she fall for me!" Jungkook stick out his tongue to him and walk away.

"You allowed me to court your sister right??!!!! I will do my best!!!!!" Jaehyun shout from far when he was walking away. Jungkook just smiling and shooking his head, feels funny of jaehyun's action.

He get inside the car as the two of the girls already waiting for him inside.

"Oppa what did you talk with that jaehyun guy?!" Minju ask with her disgusted face and crossing her arms. Jungkook look at tzuyu before look at the back seat, where minju sit.

"Men problems on how to court and get someone." Jungkook said with a smirk as tzuyu raising his eyebrows. Minju rolled her eyes to Jungkook and look away.

Jungkook then started to drive the car away and keep taking a glance to tzuyu. He grab her hand in sudden, holding it tightly and place a peck, smelling her hands while driving the car. She can't hide her smile and really like of how he treats her... Hoping that this will last forever.


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