Chapter 8

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After that day, tzuyu and jungkook did not meet each other until today, the most  long awaited day to both of their parents but not them. The wedding day. 

Tzuyu who was sitting on the chair, touch up her makeup by the makeup artist and feeling really upset. She can't accept this but tried to do this no matter what. Her parents come towards her and smiling, looking at their daughter that will get married.

"You're really beautiful" Her mom said while stroking her hair. She just wear a faint smile on her face did not want to make her parents sad.

"Let's go sweetie?" Her dad said and giving his hand. She in hesitate to hold her dad hand because she know that they will walk to the aisle after this. She take a deep sigh and thinking that she should do this and sacrifice her happiness. She slowly take her dad hand and stood up with a fake smile.

Her dad smiling widely and they fix his suit and also her dress before slowly walking to inside the hall since the event already started.

The people who came almost of them were the CEO of other company and also a workmate of tzuyu. She saw jungkook already stood up there waiting for her with his suit on,  well brushed hair and still wearing his cold face. She never see he's smiling.

She already stood in front of him and her dad took his hand and put her hand in his. He raise his eyebrows while looking at her face and she just wear a blank face, not showing any emotions. Jungkook felt nervous in sudden when her hand in his and so do tzuyu.

"We will start this wedding. Jeon jungkook, will you accept Chou tzuyu as your wife?"

"Y-yes I do." He said coldly.

"Chou Tzuyu? Will you accept jeon jungkook as your husband?"

"Y-yes I-i do." She sigh deeply when realized that she already accept this.

"Okay. I will pronounce you as a husband and wife. You may kiss the bride now."

He look at her face and so do her. She don't want to do this! He put his hand on her chin while studying her beauty face. He can see in her eyes and face that she don't want this and can't accept this. He raise his eyebrows to her and slowly bend his head and give a peck at her cheek. Tzuyu was stunned because she did not expect that he will give a peck only on her cheek. He pull his head again and slightly rolling his eyes before look in front and bow to all audience. The audiences including their bestfriends were cheering towards them and clapping their hands.

After for a while, the event already end and only their unnies and hyungs were left and also their parents.

"We will going back first. Take care of my daughter!" Tzuyu's dad pat jungkook's shoulder and smiling. Tzuyu hug her mom and also his mom before they head to their car leaving the two of them.

Suddenly their hyungs and unnies were coming and hug them.

"Unnie..." Tzuyu whined and a tears welled up in her eyes. The unnies were shocked that she was about to cried and quickly pull her closer and hug her in a group.

"Don't cry! Just one year!" Nayeon said and patting her back.  She sniffed and broke the hug. Dahyun wipe her tears with a smile.

"If he do something that hurt you, just come to us okay?" Momo said tried to calm her. Jungkook and his hyungs just talking at each other and they actually already know that tzuyu was crying.

"Don't worry kook-ah. Just one year." Taehyung pat his back and jimin ruffled his hair. His heart sunk and don't know what to react. The fact that he already married with someone he doesn't know makes he can't think of anything. His mind blank!

The hyungs just laughing as he was wearing a annoyed face. Then, they all excused themselves including her unnies but tzuyu seems hard to let go her unnies hand and pout her lips.

Her unnies somehow let go her hand and waving their hand before leaving the two of them alone.

"Let's going back." He said coldly and walking to the car. She just look at him who was walking and rolling her eyes. They get inside the car and jungkook droving to his house and will be their house. Not his house alone anymore.

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