Chapter 39

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Tne next day, it still the same. Jungkook didn't tried to meet or convinced her anymore. He really feel disappointed and wanted to give up and move on from her. Today is a weekend day as tzuyu received a call from minju. Minju really wanted to meet her. So she just make a plan to take minju at her parents house and they will going out, spending their time together.

Tzuyu knocked the door before someone open the door. It was Jungkook who open the door. She didn't expected that he will be at his parents house too today. He immediately look away and walk to the living room again. He feels really hurt to act like he didn't miss her and same to tzuyu too. It's really hurt seeing him tried to avoid her like this.

"It's my fault though." She thinks and leave a deep sigh. She get inside the house as minju coming down from upstairs.

"Unnie!" Minju rush to her and give a hug. Tzuyu just smiling and replying her hug. They broke the hug and minju take a glance to her brother who seem didn't care about them. He just focusing to the movie without any glance. 

Minju already know that her brother and her sister in law have a fight because of Lisa but she didn't expect that they still not in a good terms. Her mind immediately thinking of something to make up them.

Minju drag tzuyu to the living room and sit on the couch that across to Jungkook. Minju really tried to search for an idea.

"Oppa! Erm... can you follow us going out?" Minju suddenly said makes tzuyu eyes widened and tap minju's hand.

"What are you doing?!" Tzuyu whispered to her.

"Why?!" He ask coldly, his eyes still on the movie.

"E-er.. Mom! Mom ask you to follow us and search a gift for dad." Minju make her own reason. Jungkook raise his eyebrows and look at his sister.

"What the hell??? Gift for what?!" He thinks his dad birthday already passed. So.. gift for what?!

"I-i don't know???!!! Ahh just follow!!! Or else.. I will told mom!!"

He rolled his eyes and take a glance to tzuyu before stood up and walk away.

"Wait for a while!" He said coldly.

Minju smiling as her plan success!
Tzuyu look at her and furrowed her eyebrows.

"I thought only us--"

"It's okay unnie! Just follow!" Minju smiling and lean her head onto tzuyu's shoulder. After for a while, Jungkook already done put on his outfit, walk to the outside and minju quickly drag tzuyu to the outside too. They get inside the car and he immediately droving away.


They get inside the mall and just like usual, everyone look at them. The guys and also some girls immediately rush to them. Jungkook quickly grab tzuyu's hand and hiding her behind him. He also grab minju with his other hand. Minju already holding her smile meanwhile tzuyu stunned and keep looking at their hand. She miss this...

"What?!" He ask coldly to them.

"I-i want to have a selca with tzuyu!"

"Mr. Jeon! I want to take a picture with you!"

"You're really pretty!!!"

"Tzuyu!! I'm your fans!"

"Argh his sister also looking good!"

The guys and girls keep bombarding the compliment and asking to take a picture with them.

"Done??!! Done complimenting my wife and my sister?! I'm sorry but please get off!" He said coldly makes all of the people that gathering around them stay silent. He raise his eyebrows seeing they still didn't go away.

"Should I repeat?" He ask and glaring to them especially the guys. They gulped and slowly to walk away from them. He sigh and tched in annoyed. Tzuyu still silent behind him as he still holding her hand. Suddenly he realize he was holding her and immediately let go of her hand.

"Sorry." He said coldly and walk away. He don't want to take care of her anymore but he can't hide the fact that he don't want another guys look at her. He can't accept if she have another guy or get closer to another guy.

Minju chuckled a little and walking with tzuyu behind Jungkook. Tzuyu biting her lower lips and still stunned of his touch and his action. She want him like this forever....!

They buying and enjoying their times together but not Jungkook. He just staring as if he thinking of something. He stay silent almost all the time. The time already turn into late evening.

"Oppa! Let's going back. We're done." Minju said and dragging him and also tzuyu to the car. They get inside the car and he immediately drove away.

The situation in the car seems awkward and tense as no one talking. Minju keep looking at the two of them in front, really don't like this kind of situation between them.

"Oppa... Can we stop at your house for a while? I think I leave something at your house last time!"

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows and groaned in annoyed as he not in a good mood.

"What's more huh??!! So much trouble!" He groaned. Minju pouting as she actually planning to make them get closer again but Jungkook scold her like this... Hm..

Tzuyu seems notice and she take a look at the back to minju's face. She smiling and then glaring to Jungkook.

"Can't you talk more polite and soft to your sister?!" She feels annoyed to him. He raise his eyebrows when she told him that. He look at her for a second and rolling his eyes before focusing on the road again. Minju gulping and scratched her head as she was the one that makes them more tense because of this.

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