Chapter 20

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It's already 3 PM as after the others going back, they didn't mutter any words and just doing their own works. Jungkook was resting on the couch at the living room while watching the movies while tzuyu was in her room. Suddenly she walk out and take a sit beside him but not too close! She glancing to him as if she wanted to ask something.

"E-erm.. Jungkook-ah." She started to talk slowly and he just reply it with a hummed but his eyes still on the television.

"W-who is M-minju?" She ask and jungkook immediately look at her face, raising his eyebrows to her.

"Why?" He ask with a slight smirk.

She shrugged her shoulder " yeah... Just want to know." She make a 'don't care' face and look to the television. He still staring at her.

"Then.. Tell me who is jaehyun?" He crossed his arms and glaring to her deeply. She look at him again with a slight annoyed feelings.

"Didn't I say to you before this?! He's my friend!" She replied and also glaring to him.

"Are you serious? It seems like not a 'FRIEND'." He purposely say the word Friend more sternly. He shrugged his shoulder and look away from her. She still waiting for his answer of who is minju.

"Tell me who is she..." Tzuyu whined and pouting, can't hide her jealous feelings. He raise his eyebrows again and look at her with a tint smile.

"My girlfriend." He said and that words can make her face quickly switch to a upset face. She sigh and stood up to walk away but he grab her hand, pull her closer makes she sit on his lap. Her heart beating crazily and her cheeks flushing more. He staring at her face from her eyebrows to her lips. She gulped in nervous as jungkook quickly shook his head, avoiding what he feels.

"M-my y-youngest sister. She's my sister." He said stuttering and licking his lips to avoid his nervousness. Tzuyu still stunned and staring to him. He clear his throat and look away makes she slightly flinched and quickly stood up from his lap. She walk away in a rush and really embarrassed leaving him alone.

Jungkook rub his nape and sigh deeply.

"Ah i already lose!" He mumbled and that's mean he already lose in this contract marriage things. It's not contract anymore as he really really fall for her and hoping that he can broke this rule that he make by himself one day.


The next day, jungkook went to office just like usual and in the afternoon, he received a call from his sister that means he need to fetch her now. He rush to his car and droving to the airport. After for a while, he arrived at the airport lobby and searching for minju.

"Oppa!!" Minju run towards him and hug him.

"Ughh my lovely sisterr!!!" He hug her back and patting her head. She broke the hug and look at his face.

"Oppa. Faster let's go home. I want to see your wife!" She said excitedly with her sparkling eyes. He nodded and drag her to his car, putting her things inside and get inside the car. He started to drive to his house.

"Oppa.. Tzuyu unnie really pretty huh? You seem really happy!" She ask with a smirk and slightly hit jungkook's arm. He hissed and raise his eyebrows.

"You know her name?"

"Yes, dad and mom told me!"

He chuckled a little but didn't answer her question.

"I already search her name and she was really pretty! She's a model right?!" She ask again in excited to meet her sister in law. He hummed and smiling in proud. Yeah, everyone say his wife is pretty so.. Who will not proud right!

After for 30 minutes, they already arrived at the house and Minju immediately run to get inside the house. Tzuyu who sitting on the couch at the living room slightly flinched when the door swung open roughly. She look at Minju and stood up from the couch as Minju walk to her and give her a hug. Tzuyu just hugging her back with a tint smile before they broke the hug.

"Unnie! You're really pretty!" Minju said while holding her hands. She just smiling and pinch minju's cheeks too.

"You're pretty too!"  She give a sweet smile before jungkook get inside the house with his sister's luggage.

"Already get along huh?" He ask while raising his eyebrows. Tzuyu rolled her eyes and dragging minju to the couch, ignoring jungkook alone. He tched before walk to the empty room to put his sister luggage and of course it will be her room for a while.

"Unnie, did my brother treat you well?" Minju ask makes tzuyu raise her eyebrows. She thinking for a while does she need to tell her everything or not.

"Minju-ah, you know we are arrange marriage right?" Tzuyu ask and minju quickly nodded. She knew everything about this. Yeah she's already 20 years old! Who expect she will still stay innocent!

"I knew.. And I also knew about the contract deal!" Minju pout, showing that she don't like it.

Tzuyu hummed and poking minju's cheek when seeing she was pouting like that and just like she was sulking.


"I don't like it. I only want you to be my sister in law! Can't you and oppa just stop this contract deal?"

Tzuyu raise her eyebrows and shrugged her shoulder.

"I don't know... Maybe not.. We will never have a feelings towards each other!" Tzuyu said with a tint smile but minju knew that her face obviously showing a upset face!

"What did you guys talking hm ?!!?" Jungkook suddenly said while walking and take a sit on the couch across to them. He staring at tzuyu and then to his sister.

"Girls problems!" Minju said and rolling her eyes to him. Jungkook mouth hang opened when seeing how minju treat him annoyingly! She was not like this!

"Yah! You just rolling your eyes to your own brother huh??!!" He ask and glaring to her.

"Whatever." Minju stick out her tongue to him annoyed of the fact that his brother was the one that put the condition in this marriage. Tzuyu chuckled seeing the two of them and pulling minju closer to her, don't want her to be rude to her own brother.

"Don't do like that." Tzuyu giggled and hugging minju. Minju take a glance to jungkook and also hug tzuyu back purposely to tease him and wanted to make he felt annoyed.

"Your hug is so warm!" Minju said purposely to tease him while showing a mocking playful face to jungkook. She wanted to make his brother and his sister in law have a good terms and fall in love with each other so that they don't need to separated! Jungkook tched and squinting his eyes in annoyed towards the two of them.

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