"That Guy Again"

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May's POV:

Max and I have arrived home after the ride in Keyboard's car with Ash. I unlocked the gates after coming out of the car and I heard Ash to have said a cheerful goodbye bearing his signature, wide grin before the car windows closed and it left its way.

Max also yawned as we stepped inside the yard and I even held him on his arms to keep him awake. It seemed like he felt sleepy during the ride home~

"UhhAaaah~ I wonder what time it is, sis..." My little brother said and we head in the house that he dropped himself on the couch without any thought of it.

"You should head to your room, Max~" I told him before I placed my stuffs in their proper places and I went to the kitchen for a glass of water.

I also had my moment to yawn before I went back and saw Max heading upstairs to his room after he gestured me a goodnight.

I checked the doors to make sure they were locked before I also headed back to my room. Right then, my phone lighted up and I saw that Ash sent pictures in our band's chat box. Keyboard even reacted with a heart before Dawn replied that we were looking great in the photos. She also asked if we got home safely and I replied a confirmation that I did.


"Guys, don't forget to prepare for our study group session the night after tomorrow! And since May was the one who came up with the idea, she has to bring foods and snacks!"


My eyes widened after I read Ash's reply and he ended it with an emoji with a stucked out tongue.


"I don't have a budget for that, Ash~😒"

"Come on, May~ You have marshmallows, right? 😆"

"I'm keeping the marshies, Ash~"

"You guys don't have to worry. My sister said that she'll stock some snacks for us..."

"Woah~ Thanks Cynthia for me, Dawn! And May, I was just kidding but you can take it seriously~😉"

"You're not even serious, Ash! Dawn, you better not let yourself get teased by this guy~ I can tame him if you want~"

"Hahaha... I don't think that is necessary, May..."

"Oh, yeah! Dawn is okay being teased... Come back to school as soon as possible, Dawn!"


"Oh, hey, Drew! I thought you slept already that you haven't joined in the conversation..."

(replied to Ash) "Don't even think about teasing Dawn so freely..."

"You guys should sleep.. My phone keeps on buzzing every now and then. My sister thought I was being pestered  by some girl~"

"Ooh~ Sorry for being active in the chats now but you should have muted your phone, Drew?"

"Is it our fault, Keyboard, that Dawn and I are girls?? We are not trying to pester you at all..."

Same Stars Of Yesterday (book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon