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Dawn's POV:

"Woah~!! You opened it, Drew!!" Ash exclaimed in wonderment and he went to look at what's inside the treasure box in excitement.

"It's a-" Ash was supposed to say what he saw from inside the treasure box that anticipated me and May with Max but Drew suddenly took a beefsteak and put it in Ash's mouth that prevented the raven-haired to speak and Drew shoved Ash eyeing him and they likely conversed with their gazes that I was raising my eyebrows at the two of them.

"Hey, guys... Oh, Roark, you're back???" It was Miss Cheryl who spoke and she walked to us and she trailed a smile to Roark before she smiled at the four of us that Drew secretly hid the treasure box behind his back and Ash likely stiffened on where he was standing that his grin was somewhat twisted right now.

"Yess???" Ash trailed off acting so naturally and he glinted at Miss Cheryl who eyed him and Drew before she told us that her relatives would like to invite the band in a family picture too.

Ash replied to her that we are going to join in after they have their first family pictures so Miss Cheryl went and she and her relatives did a few photoshoot with their family.

"Now, speak quickly what's going on, Keyboard?? What is inside that treasure box and why did you hide it from Miss Cheryl???" May interrogated after Miss Cheryl left and Roark only cleared his throat before Drew handed the treasure box back to Roark.

"Hey, Roark... Does this mean you are going to give us the music sheet already???" Ash inquired and Roark smirked as he picked out the thing that was contained inside the treasure box that May and I widened our eyes and we bit our lip to not utter out anything unnecessary.

"You're going to..." And May didn't finish because Roark smiled sweetly this time and whispered to us.

"Good job for not melting this very rare and special treasure of mine... I just believed you'll open it in time... It was worth the risk..." Roark told us and he kept it in his pockets before winking at us.

"Huh??? So we were really holding a future in our hands before?? And if we were mistaken with the answer, we could have ruined your precious treasure??" May commented not yet absorbing the turning out of events for us after finally knowing what is inside the box.

"I have thought about it over and over again last night... And I have laid my bet on you guys... Whether I am meant to give this to that person or not was totally yours to play... But I am verily thankful you managed to open it... I was honestly nervous about this.. And to say that this is a family heirloom that grandma gave me that was from her grandma's grandma and so on... Astrum Silhouette did a great job..." Roark complemented that we already heard Miss Cheryl calling us so we went and positioned ourselves for the photoshoot along with Roark.

After the photoshoot, Miss Cheryl's relatives were surprisingly synchronized when they lined up and there were numbered men who came and were dressed in a uniform that they were carrying boquet of flowers and there's Miss Cheryl's parents who smiled at her when Roark held her hands unannounced that she even eyed him interrogatively.

Then we all sang a certain local serenade song before I got to see Mr. Byron along with a woman that might be his wife and Roark smiled at Miss Cheryl before he has taken out the treasure box from his pockets and he kneeled before Miss Cheryl before he opened the treasure box revealing a cupcake that I recognized as a cupcake that is bought from Miss Cheryl's bakery and on top of the icing is a ring.

Same Stars Of Yesterday (book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon