"Mission: Bodyguard"

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Drew's POV:

I have just gone out from the music room to check on some music sheets that I was told to get by a music teacher and I passed by the cafeteria only to witness an incident with Dawn and Ash inside. At first, I saw that it was just another unforeseen accident and it was a relief that Ash managed to save Dawn from further injury. However, after I saw Ezlan to have intervened the scene, I did not waste a second thought and I stepped in the cafeteria to confront him myself. I have zero tolerance with the kind of guy he is to begin with. Ezlan is just one of the many that I don't like at all honestly... People like him, no, like them, reminds me of my own experience and the reason why I experience such resentment.

I quickly grabbed this bully's arm before he could even launch a punch on Ash's innocently-painted face and it seemed like I took the attention because of what I did.

He pushed Ash aside and confronted me this time with a stare that breaks walls but I remained calm and kept my cool meeting his sunset orbs.

"Not you too, Smarty. You better not butt in this or I leave you no choice~" He told me and his group of friends were already standing up as if their presence were raising a red flag.

"Are you two alright??" I asked pertaining to Ash and Dawn.

Ash was the one who nodded since Dawn was looking at me with obvious concern of what might happen next.

"Tsk~! This is why I hate smarty pants..." I heard Ezlan to have muttered out and he gave me a blow all of a sudden.

Good thing that my reflexes didn't betray me to dodge. I kept on dodging because I didn't want to get my hands dirty today. The cafeteria was even in a commotion already and I tried my best to lessen the mess that Ezlan was causing alone.

"Ezlan~ Stop it!" Came this voice of Serena but this big, bully did not even mind to have heared it that he threw a chair that I managed to catch and place it under a table.

My action actually made those female students to admire what I did. Not that I care that much about their reaction...

When I was nearing the counter already, someone came and it saved me further trouble in dealing with the bully himself.


The voice was with authority and Ezlan was forced to freeze for a moment before we were intervened by the same person who came.

He gave me a gaze before he eyed Ezlan and along with his friends and he roamed his sight around to see the mess that became of the cafeteria.

"What is all this??" Sir Wallace asked with his hands behind him and I noticed how Ezlan gritted his teeth glaring at him already.

Ash was being quiet from a certain distance and Dawn was behind him. Serena was also with them too at the moment.

"Tsk~! It is his fault, you know~" Ezlan boldly said and pointed at Ash.

Ash was surprsingly not expecting it too. Ezlan began explaining how the commotion started with his voice in a tone of rage and Sir Wallace likely gave him an ear to listen but we still ended up being called to the guidance office.

Same Stars Of Yesterday (book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon