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May's POV:

"Thanks for the ride again~" Dawn told Ash after she alighted from the motorcycle and I alighted from the motorcycle of Keyboard too.

"Bye~" I chose to say to him since I didn't want to be either rude or nice to him and they both rode their way home leaving me and Dawn here at K'Royal since we still got our part-time for tonight.

"Oh~ May, Dawn, you are here early~" I heard my cousin after we entered in and he was smiling when he approached us. "Right on time, May~ Dad told me if you could actually buy him these?? And also to get the package he ordered from this company~" Kenny said and he handed me a list and money with the order slip.

"Seriously??" I tried to complain narrowing my gaze on him that he smirked and pushed me out of the restobar already.

"Take your time~ And buy me some potato croquettes, May! Thank you~" He told me and he even waved at me before heading back inside and I saw how he accompanied Dawn already. If only he is not my cousin, I wouldn't leave Dawn alone with him since she is not the girl so comfortable with other people a lot... Sheesh~

I looked at what I was holding and only sighed before I headed to the train station alone. The train was full and I ended up standing when I rode in.

I only looked out of the window while holding onto the handles and I shifted my gray cap's visor to the back that I even glared at the certain guy that looked at me like a pervert that he averted his gaze quickly. Why are guys so annoying??

I only leaned my head on my right arm still looking out of the train's window.

"Hey~! Thief!"

I got caught up when someone suddenly shouted among the crowded people here in the train and I noticed how the persons ahead were being pushed aside that I saw a certain guy running through and I realized that he was trying to escape.

"Aahh~ He's armed~!"

There were the commotions and scared civilians that no one dared to stop that guy until he ran nearer to me that one man was already wounded when that man tried to confront the thief. I only stood firmly on where I was and I slowly lifted my head before I grabbed that thief's wrist when he approached me already and I quickly dislodged the blade he was carrying with him before someone else tied the thief's arms to a bar preventing him to escape and fight.

A woman then came and shot that thief scoldings in tensed anger that she even hit that thief with her handbag and she took a cellphone from the thief's pockets.

I chose to press back in the crowd and headed to another spot where I stood up and leaned on a metal bar to prevent any attention already after what I just did and remained quiet. Why are there more bad people these days that are let lose in the city?? Aren't they being caught by the police and taught a lesson?

I shook my head in pure disbelief thinking about it since I have also heard that there were bank robbery just this Sunday and the robbers were armed with guns.

"People need more discipline these days~" I muttered to myself that I sensed something from behind me so I quickly grabbed it with my quick reflexes but I instantly let it go too after I turned my head and saw the face of that person. He even groaned when I twisted his wrist a bit but he tried to display a forced smile then he smirked after I let him go.

"Woah~ You got a strong grip for a girl and quick reflexes too~" He trailed off massaging once his wrist before he raised his head and I viewed his face more clearly and I noticed how he strangely froze for a short second before he spoke up again sounding cool for the likes of him.

Same Stars Of Yesterday (book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon