"The Prince, The Princess, and The Witch - Part 2"

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Dawn's POV:


I suddenly felt like there was something wrong with her the moment I turned to look back and an eerie silence took over us.

Serena was lowering her head so I wasn't able to see her face that time.

The next thing I knew, I heard that she was already crying and it made me worried if something happened or if I did something wrong.


"Why does it has to be you?!"

I was caught in a surprise because she suddenly grabbed my arm and it was somewhat tight. She also had me pushed backward with a force that I wasn't able to keep my balance slipping my feet on the ground that I hit my back on the edge of the terrace.

"Tch~ I have worked so hard to earn what I long wanted and then you have to show up in our lives at the same time?! How could you be so cruel to me? I HATE YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING, DAWN!"

And that was when I felt so afraid in my life that my body froze on itself. Serena's bitter words and expression was more like I would be buried soon alive.

I have never seen her like this before~ And not even expected this kind of aura from her....

Se-serena hates me??

I heard her say that to me before too but this time, it is more closer.

"Why you, Dawn? Why not me??! THAT'S NOT IT! Why did you two have to meet after all?! Ahh~ I hate you so much! All this time! You were taking my important person away from me! And I-"

She tightened her somehow trembling grasp on my wrists and pinned me more on the edge of the terrace.

I wanted to cry already but it seemed like my tears chickened out at me as well. I could only force myself to listen and look at Serena uttering out these words that I don't even understand.

"Serena~ What a-are you talking about?? Did I- ah~"

I already bit my lip when she tightened her grasp even more and I could not deny the rage she was displaying already.

"Aa-aaahh!" Serena forcefully threw me off the floor that I hurt myself even more but the fear overtook my consciousness and I couldn't run away.

The next thing I knew, she drew closer to me and gave me that painful slap across my face I almost could have lost my consciousness.

Se-serena was this strong all this time?? But she was like a gentle person not until today...

"Serena! Stop this!" I blurted out already not keeping myself to stay quiet any longer and I was already so messed up with my tears.

My body was trembling and my heart was racing as if wanting to leave this place.

What did I do wrong? How did I upset you??

"I had enough of this feeling, Dawn~" She told me grabbing me on my hair.


She is different now.

Serena pulled me back on the edge of the terrace and I am already really crying both in pain and fear of why she is doing this.

"I- I don't understand... Se-serena~"

"AaH~!" And she slapped me again that I already tried to fight back but she is really strong.

I ended up receiving more of her untamed slaps before she finally pushed me off the edge in her rage that I only caught a glimpse of her rough expression before I lost sight of it.

Same Stars Of Yesterday (book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon