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Dawn's POV:

"Aaawwwhhh~" May yawned beside me here at the entrance gate of Sands & Footprints Beach Resort. "Sheesh~ I don't think I slept enough for the night... Why do we need to leave so early as five o'clock in the morning??" I heard her complained and I also let out a yawn too.

"Mornin', Dawn.. And May-" Greeted the raven-haired boy as he arrived with Max and he was bearing that enthusiastic grin on his face with his arms crossed over his head and holding his maroon guitar case and his bag's strap around his shoulder.

"Hey, you guys messaged us and told us quarter to five o'clock???! You're late Misters! You didn't even answer us when we knocked on your door before we went here... So where is Keyboard now????" May suddenly bursted out crossing her arms and meeting Ash with a catechizing glare that Max greeted her a good morning stretching his arms and yawning too.

"Woah~ Ca-calm down, May... I knew you would be upset..." Ash muttered and May rolled her eyes from him. "Drew was the one who told me to message you to be early today. I think we have already gone out from our room when you went there... We have gone back to the beach actually to search for something that Drew lost and he was in a hurry so we weren't able to tell it to you two... Sorry.." Ash told us and my attention was hooked up with what he said that Drew lost at the beach.

"Drew lost something??" I repeated in a question and Ash nodded.

"He said that it is important but he didn't tell us what it is so we weren't able to help him to find it so senior Drew just told us to go here and meet up with you and he'll come soon..." Max was the one who spoke this time and May already narrowed her gaze with a disbelief sigh.

"Oh, come on... What is he up to this time?? And can't he see that it is raining??" May blabbered not likely feeling comfortable. "He's the one who said that we should be early today and look how he is delaying us~ Whatever he lost, he should have told you for you to help~ What's gotten into him??"

"Oh, there he is~!" Ash exclaimed that I peeked from inside the gate and saw Drew with Roark talking under the umbrella that Roark was holding.

"Hi, Roark!! You came to see us off??" Ash greeted when the two came to us and Roark only smiled at him that Drew was somehow soaked a bit and he and May even ended up in a staring contest after he didn't answer the brunette after her question to him. It only made Roark to laugh at them.

Meanwhile, a car parked in front of us and Roark invited us to ride in and he insisted so we only rode in and he sat at the front seat with the driver and we were brought to the bus stop.

"I really hope you guys stayed a bit longer but I sure understand that you also have your own matters to attend to back at your place... By any means, I am really grateful that you came to our place... Safe travels and let us meet again!" Roark told us after we have gone out of the car and he waved at us. "Oh, and by the way, keep the four medallions.. I am sure you'll be needing them. Bye now. 'Til next time, Astrum Silhouette!"

"Thanks so much, Roark! It is really nice meeting you! Good luck on your wedding preparations!" Ash told him and we waved our hands when the car departed.

"Ahhh~ I am gonna miss the air of this province... And the rich green vegetations here too... Let's take a picture, you guys!" Ash exclaimed and he just pressed the button of his camera that May flicked his forehead for not telling us to prepare for it so he took another shot.

Same Stars Of Yesterday (book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon