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          What was my mistake?

Se Hee's POV

I was always ignored by my brothers and kookie used to always ask me,"Who are you? Why do you stay in my house?" and that question stabbed my heart millions of times.

But instead of saying that I am his twin sister, I used to say "I'm the head maid Mrs.Yun's Daughter". I used to give him a fake smile. My other oppa's used to say the same. Our parents were again out because of their business.

They used to make me wash the dishes, sweep the house and wash their clothes. Days went by everyday was the same. I was tired of that. But didn't complain because they are just my brothers.

~Time skip~[8 years later]

it's all most 8 years now, my mom and dad had gone to the states for their work as always. My brothers didn't stop ordering me, jungkook didn't remember me still. And I'm 15 years old, I didn't celebrate my birthday too.

I used to just see kookie cutting his cake I used to see them from far and used to wish that,"1 day kook must get his memory back, if he didn't get back no problem but don't let anyone suffer because of me." This was my everyday's wish.

Now their tortures went more, they used to ask me to to cook their food, but I didn't know how to cook.

I used to ask Mrs.Yun our head maid for recipes, and as I was cooking for the first time I have many cuts and burns in my hand but then too I cooked and served them but it was either poured upon my head or on the floor.

I couldn't say anything and as always I didn't cry. I went to my room and laid down on my bed, I hugged my pillow and looked up in the ceiling trying to stop these useless tears. Just then I heard a knock on my door I sat on the bed and saw jungkook entering my room and I said "How may I help you young master?"

"Se Hee why did you do that to me?" I was shocked. I was thinking ' he remember's me? No I don't think so.' So I asked him, "Sir I'm sorry I don't  understand you" and he spke once again, "stop with this nonsense now. Why did you do that 8 years ago?"

I was shocked that means he remember's me!! I was beyond happy, "Dummy Bunny you remember me!! " I said while crying.

He came near me and said "Don't call me that. If you wouldn't have asked dad for that dirty teddy bear and disturbed him at that time we would never get into an accident and I wouldn't have been be hospitalized! "

I was again broke but I said, "I'm sorry jungkook for that, but you too know how much I loved teddy bears and I was small too".

He said, "If you were small too you shouldn't have done that, from now onwards you are not my twin nor our sister. But because of Eomma and appa you can stay in this house." After saying this he left. I again laid on my bed and put the pillow covering my mouth with it and I cried the entire time. I don't know when I fell asleep.

_________End of POV __________

Jungkook's POV

After I said that I came out from her room and went to jin hyung. It was 9pm so I was hungry and asked him about the dinner. He asked,"where is that biťch? She has to make our food".

He was going to her room but I stopped him, "Hyung there's no need of making food for us. We don't like it anyways and I'm too hungry", I said him while pouting and showing my tummy to him. He smiled at my action and bought me food.

I had that and went to bed. I was thinking of Se Hee as I fell asleep.

~Time skip~ Morning

I woke up and saw the time. It was 7am as I lazily went to shower. After I'm done taking shower I wore my uniform for school and came to the dining area.

I saw my hyungs "Good Morning hyung" I greeted them as they greeted me back. After having my banana milk I left for school. I saw many of them bullying Se hee .

She gets bullied in school almost every time, it's not new. I never stop her bullies. I let them do whatever they want to do with her and everytime she looks at me with pleading eyes but I didn't give 2 damns about her. I walked away simply.

_________End of POV _________

Author's POV

Se Hee saw jungkook leaving her with her bullies. She didn't stop him nor the bullies. In the school no one knew that Se Hee, Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung were siblings. She never had any friends in school.

And she never said her brothers about the bullies too because the other three already knew. So whenever they bully her she gets bruises on her hands ,legs and stomach too. It hurts her too badly but she never complained about that.

She came home and directly went to her room. She locked the door and went to take shower. Then she stood in front of the mirror and saw herself.

There were too many cuts, bruises given by her bullies and burn marks when she used to cook. She then changed her clothes and wore long sleeve shirt and long pants to cover all those.

_________End of POV __________

_________End of POV __________

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(she wore this)

Se Hee's POV

I usually stopped having my food. I used to eat once a day that too I used to do part time job. My school used to be finished at 3:30pm and from 4:30 to 8pm I used to work part time at a convenient store.

They didn't accept me at first because I was just 15 after begging for a long time they accepted me. I thanked them and I used to eat around 3:45 after my school.

My oppa's didn't mind asking me where I'm going or am I having my food. And they never saw the bruises on my body too....

~Present time~

Time went by its almost 2 years I passed from school with good grades. I was in the top 3 for grades in the whole school. Yesterday was our last day of summer vacation.

Today was our first day of university as always I went alone and got bullied and made no friends, but I was used to this kind of atmosphere.

I earned enough money too. I used to get ₩5000 KRW per month.So I have collected ₩120000 KRW . I used to not spend my money on my food or expenses. I collected it for my future use.

~Time skip~ {9pm}[so sorry I'm very lazy to write her whole day schedule]

Jin's POV

Later at night I called that biťch to make food for us. As usual she obeyed our orders.

She made food, cleaned the whole house and washed our clothes too. And as usual me and my brothers threw the food on the floor and upon her too.

It was our daily fun as she wouldn't say anything to us as we are her elder siblings. But what she said that time shocked each one of my brothers and me.

_______To be Continued______

Hey so this is my new update. Hope you enjoyed reading this book. Please forgive me for any mistakes and please point out the mistake too. It helps me to write it better next time.

And guys please do say me how was this book. I get motivation from your response. Thank you 💜borahae

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