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          My life with a good start

3rd person's POV

We looked at the book. There was none of her pictures we turned each and every pages but at last we found a pic of her and it was when she was 48 days old... She was in her dad's arms sleeping peacefully.

Then tears started to roll from their eyes slowly. After an hour of sitting in Jin's room they went to their respective rooms. That day the house was extremely silent unlike the other days

It would be noisy because of Se Hee's brothers screaming at her. But there was no single noise coming from Se Hee's room.


They all came to the living room and sat there lifelessly. They were starting at the food which was prepared by Se Hee today. They taste that food.

A small gasp left from their mouth and Taehyung said "It is the same taste as our Eomma's food. Did we really waste our mom's present? " All of them were left speechless. Having no words to continue.


Se Hee's POV

It was 11:30 a.m. I entered the office and saw the name of the principal. He looks like he is in his early 30s. His name was HAN SEUNG JAE. cool.

Then I bowed to him in respect and said "Good Morning Sir. I'm KIM HYE JIN a scholarship student from Seoul High School."

Yeah I did get a scholarship because I was one of the top 3 students who got the highest in the whole country. And without my brothers acknowledgement I studied and gave a scholarship exam in this university.

So yeah I got a 98/100 and I was impressed lol. So due to this I don't have to pay to study here.

And one more thing. Because I know if my brothers want to find me they can easily find so I changed my name and my background identity too.

He then said "Oh here you are Miss Kim. I'll give you your schedule. Can you wait for a minute. "I said "Sure sir".

After 2 minutes he handed me my schedule for the classes and then I said "Thank you sir". He said "Your welcome".

I smiled politely and left form there. As I walked I thought 'He seemes to be a good person'. Then I checked my schedule it says my class starts at 12. I saw the time it was 11:45. I still have 15m minutes. I decided to have a tour in this university.

As I walked I saw 'woah it's big and cool. I like it better than the Seoul university'. I then went to my classroom and then the I saw the lecturer.

I went to her and bowed I then said "Annyonghaseyo...I'm Kim hye Jin a new student" she then said gaining everyone's attention "Hello students we have a new student here." she said me "Go ahead and introduce yourself" I then looked at everyone and said "Hello guys I'm a new student and my name is Kim Hye jin. Hope we can get along well".

Then the lecturer said me to take a seat between han Seo Jun and Jackson Wang at the end. Mrs Sin the lecturer asked Them to raise their hands so that I could have a seat beside them.

They raised their hands I went and sat in between them. They didn't give me any unsafe or weird vibe.. I felt good. For the first time after 10 years I felt this feeling a safe and trustworthy vibe.

After an hour the class was done. I was packing my bag and was going to walk out as today I had only 1 class to attend. After I walk out I heard someone call my name.

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