PART- 39

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                    A SURPRISE!!

3rd person's POV

On their way to Taejong Dae, Se Hee stopped her bike at the side of the road and her brothers stopped seeing her. They got down from their bikes and went running towards Se Hee.

"Se Hee-ya gwenchanna? Why did you stop?" Asked jimin with a worried tone. She nodded after removing her helmet, "Oppa I have to go somewhere so I'll leave Miso to you guys."

They all nodded their head as a 'NO' but Se Hee being a stubborn ass started using her maknae card "please oppa, I promise it will not take long" while showing her puppy eyes knowing that it was their weakness.

They all were trying to avoid gazing at her but at last couldn't and heaved a long sigh "Okay you can but be back soon" said Jin.

"Really oppa! Thank you. I promise I won't take long. I'll leave now bye" She said in an exited tone, she put her helmet and drove off. And miso sat in the car with soojin and Se Hwa and they started to go to their destination.

Se Hee headed towards a place, basically a restaurant for who knows why? (A/N: dw Ik why she went there ;p)

She parked her bike and held her helmet in her right hand. She walked in and stood there, particularly in front of 2 people who don't know that she is standing there like a boss.

"Wassup hoe's, bad bitch is back"

___________End of POV__________

Jackson's POV

I was in my office when I saw the time. It was almost 12:30 pm meaning lunch time. I closed my laptop and headed to the destination we had decided to meet at.

I went and there and took a seat at one of the seats near the window waiting for that 1 person.

After sometime he finally came. I waved at him and when he came near I did a fist bump with him and we took a seat, "You are late as always seo jun-ah" I said with a chuckle.

"Yeah yeah, no need to brag. My manager at the end moment said me that I had to do a photo shoot" he said with a annoyed faceu.

We ordered our food and started to talk about random things. And all of a sudden we heard the voice of that person who we had been staying with for almost 5 years.

"Wassup hoe's, bad bitch is back" we turned to face her and there she was standing like a badass character from an anime with a helmet on her right hand. "Never gonna change huh" we both said while standing and engulfed her in a hug. "How have you guys been?" She said almost tearing up.

"Ah come on drama queen we just met few days ago and just now you said your bad bitch so why are you tearing up?" Said Seo Jun. I just nodded while smiling. We motioned her to sit but she refused "Not Now guys but I want to ask you something."

We gestured her to continue "So I want to guys to come with me so are you guys free?"

"No we are expensive you know" we both said together and started to laugh hard at that lame joke and all the people were staring at us, but we could care less.

"Haha very funny now say. Wait why am I even asking, now you both are coming with me" She pulled both of us and started to walk. "Yah yah wait are you seeing strong girl Do Bong Soon? Why are you pulling us?" Said Seo Jun.

I quickly paid for our food and started to follow her to her bike. I had walked to this restaurant as it was a short distance from my work place and Seo Jun bought his bike. I was going to sit behind Seo Jun but both insisted me on sitting on Se Hee's bike. So I did and she said "Hold tight. You do know how I drive" and with that she started the bike in the highest speed "Yah Yah I don't want to die and you do know I have a weak heart. Stop giving me mini heart attacks" I said.

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