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                    What do we do now?

Jin's POV

But this time what she said shocked each one of us. She shouted,"ENOUGH OF YOUR BULLSHIT!!" It is the first time she spoke like this.

__________End of POV __________

Se Hee's POV

I got too upset and angry at the same time and I finally said this to them. "Enough of this shit!! I can't handle this anymore. What do you guys think of yourself. Am I your slave or am I a slut huh?!.. What have I ever done to you guys? I agree it was my mistake 8 years ago, but it's already 8 fučking years. I tried to be calm and tried to solve this problem between us. I thought of you guys as my elder brothers and this is how you treat me? Like a Bìtch..Then too I didn't say anything I just listened to whatever you said. I didn't even complain about it to you nor our parents just because I loved you guys. But you know what? I hate you guys. You made it worse now. What happens from now is your fault!"

With that I turned around and ran towards the staircase without waiting for their reply, they were left dumbfounded.

I went to my room and harshly closed my door.
I leaned my back on the door and started to cry silently.

_________End of POV _________

Jungkook's POV

I woke up and saw the time in my clock it was 7:30am. I have to go to the university today it was the 2nd day.

I lazily went to the bathroom and took shower after that I went to my closet and wore my clothes.

After getting ready I walked out of my room and went near the dining room. I took my banana milk from the refrigerator and started to drink it.

(he wore this)

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(he wore this)

After few minute I saw jin hyung coming towards me. He got ready to go for his work too. "Good Morning hyung", I greeted and he greeted me too.

After that one by one all of my hyungs came to the dining area as they were waiting for their breakfast to be served. I don't eat anything in the morning, instead I drink my banana milk.

Then Yoongi hyung broke the silence as he said, "Where is that biťch? Who the hell gave her permission to sleep when we are awake huh?"

Then he looked at me and said,"Jungkook-ah go and wake that little shit"

I started to whine ," Ahhh! Diga Wae (why me) ?" then he stares at me with a 'will you go or die' face. And as everyone know him, he will bury me alive if I don't listen so I just sighed and went upstairs to her room.

I knocked her room once thinking ' she is a girl and might be she is changing her clothes' it will embarrassing moment then. I don't want that. But I didn't hear any response so I thought to enter her room now. Luckily it was open. When I went in and to my surprise no one was there.

I walked in slowly and saw her room was fully cleaned. I was surprised seeing none of clothes or bags or any of her stuff in the room. Then I saw  there's a paper and a shiny object. I went near to the desk and saw a locket of Se Hee. I took it and i read the letter.

I was shocked reading the letter. I called my brothers more likely to say I screamed as I ran downstairs. I was panting heavily. I looked at my bothers and gave the paper to Jin hyung.

_________End of POV _________

[3rd person's POV ]

Jin took the letter from jungkook's hand and read it. One by one all the brothers took the letter and read it. They didn't think this to happen.

It was written,

"You guys will be searching for me since you want me to make your freaking breakfast. I had made a last breakfast though I know you won't eat it but still I made it. When you will be reading this I have already left. There's no use of calling me because I changed my number. And don't even fučking try to search for me. From today onwards we are nothing but strangers. Think as if you never had a sister, haha sorry not sister a female slave who used to do your work. I won't even mention where I'm going or when will I be back because I will never return to this family where the only things I get is hatred, pain and sadness. I don't know what you will say to your mom and dad as I'm not a part of the family anymore.

- Se Hee

_________End of POV _________

Hobi's POV

I decided to break the silence and said "Hyung Eotteohge (what do we do) she left us now." I looked at everyone they had a very sad face. I can see guilt eating them up from inside.

We didn't want to hurt her feelings. We never wanted her to leave us. We did it for fun. Yeah we agree at first we were having a grudge against her, because she was the reason of that accident.

Another reason was because she being the youngest got all the love and affection. Not only because she's the maknae but also because she's the only daughter of the Kim's. We too got that but not much like before. We don't like having her as a sister. We just did not like the fact that she was being loved by all.

We started to grow feelings of hatred and jealousy towards her and we hurt her. Yes we hurt our own sister.

Now we don't know how we started having a different type of feeling towards her. It felt like we are crushed under a huge rock and we can't move it by ourselves. I don't know what is it called.

Can I even name it as Siblings bond?

~To be continued ~

Hey so this is my new update. Hope you enjoyed reading this book. Please forgive me for any mistakes and please point out the mistake too. It helps me to write it better next time.

And guys please do say me how was this book. I get motivation from your response. Thank you 💜borahae

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