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jungkook's pov

It was 2:06am in the midnight. I wasn't able to sleep well. I got up from my bed and opened the door. I walked towards Se Hee's room. I thought if I should knock it not. I then knocked few times slowly. No response.

I held the door knob and opened it slightly. I entered her room. As I entered I saw she is struggling in her sleep. As if she is having a nightmare.

I ran towards her. She wasn't able to breathe. Her body wasn't continuing the supply of oxygen. I quickly laid down beside her and pulled her in my embrace. She was repeating "Please don't hurt me." "I will do all the work" "Oppa don't leave me here please" she was crying in her sleep.

I was panicking. I slowly rubbed my palm behind her back in circular motion. I said "Don't worry oppa Is here. No one is leaving you alone". She started to breathe normally.

I pulled her apart from me and made her to sit. I saw her face. She was having a terrified look . She was drenched in sweat .

As soon as she opened her eyes and saw me she took her blanket in a defensive Way and started moving back but stopped at the edge of the bed and screamed "PLEASE!PLEASE! DON'T HURT ME! I'LL DO ALL YOUR WORK. please! " at the end her voice broke. She started to cry. I took 1 step amd she backed away again and screamed "PLEASE DON'T. I SAID DON'T" and she put her hands on the both sides of her ears covering it. And soon the door opened with a loud thud.
Our brothers were here. Rushing towards us but soon stopped on their spot as she said "DON'T HURT ME PLEASE" tears were rolling down her cheeks. Luckily our sister-in-law and niece went to her mom's house after the party as she was missing her little brother after seeing our reunion.

Yoongi hyung asked almost yelling "Jungkook what the hell had happened here". I said "Hyung I don't know I saw her crying and screaming in her sleep and she was drenched in her sweat. I woke her up and she is like this now."

Then Jin hyung took a
baby steps walking towards her and said "Se Hee-ya gwenchana. We won't hurt you" she again screamed and said "NO!! YOU WILL HURT ME. PLEASE DONT".

__________End of POV ________

Hye jin's POV

I opened my eyes in a dark room. I'm scared of darkness.
I shouted but no one opened.

I started to cry. Then I heard a voice speaking "We will not open the door. Who said you to sleep" I knew it's my brothers. I said "Oppa please don't leave me here". They said "It's your punishment" with that the whole mansion was darkened.

I hugged my knees. I started to cry. I am too afraid. I want to go back to the time where my oppa's loved me. I want the time where all the oppa's loved me, their small sister. I cried for a while as I was having a hard time to breath. It is like I'll die any moment....

Then I heard a voice saying "Don't worry oppa is here. No one is leaving you" with that i started to breathe normally. It's like the voice of kookie oppa. But he was gone with my other oppa's.

Then I opened my eyes only to be met with the figure of jungkook oppa. I was frightened. I immediately backed away from him with my blanket.

What is he doing here? Why did he come? To beat me? To give me punishment?...No I don't want I said more likely yelled "PLEASE !PLEASE! DON'T HURT ME! I'LL DO ALL YOUR WORK. please!" I don't know why my voice broke at the end. I was a crying mess.

Again I saw him take 1 step forward. I again yelled "PLEASE DON'T. I SAID DON'T"
I teared up very bad.

At the very next moment the door opened with a loud thud and revealed the other oppa's.
I'm dead today. But what did I do? Again for my sleep? No no please no. They were rushing towards me. I said "PLEASE NO DON'T HURT ME."

They stopped at their own place and after some talk Jin oppa walked towards me with baby steps.

He said "Se Hee-ya gwenchana. We won't hurt you." But I don't believe them. I don't believe myself. I yelled in frustration "NO!! YOU WILL HURT ME. PLEASE DONT."

Then he said " Se Hee-ya naneun yagsoghanda (I promise) we won't hurt you. You are our little precious sister. We will never ever hurt you or let anyone hurt you. Please trust in us." He pulled his pinky finger out saying he promises.

Listening to those words I felt his sincerity. My heart kept saying believe him. I don't know why I felt I should trust my heart and believe him.

I took a moment and then pulled out my little pinky finger and joined to his making a promise.

I said "I trust you for now."

As I said they all jumped in happiness as they suddenly hugged me. I gasped as I was shocked. Never in my life they hugged me after that incident.

Then I felt so overwhelmed that I couldn't express this in words. I love this feeling. I wanted to feel this. I love this feeling. But soon everything was blacked out as the last thing I remember was being hugged by my brothers.

_________End of POV _________

Jimin's POV (brought to you by jimin's lost jams)

We were so happy listening that she started to accept us but she accepted us and  forgave us. But why did she say things like that. Is this what Seo Jun and Jackson talking about?

We were so happy we went and hugged her. She seemed to be shocked. But she got used to it. But soon we felt some weight on our body. When we separated from the hug we saw Se Hee fainted.

We screamed "Se Hee!!"

We put her on her bed and called our personal doctor. He said he will be here soon.

Hope she will be alright soon.

_________End of POV _________

Hey guys. Finally an update after so long. I was supposed to update last week but here I am updating so late. I'm so sorry for the delay. I have been busy with my studies and I have my exams tomorrow. So I'll be updating little slow.

Btw guys did u listen to Lisa's solo "Lalisa". If u haven't what are you doing go n listen to it.

Say me lalisa love me lalisa love me hai~~
Call me lalisa love me lalisa love me hai~~ woo-hoo
Sorry and thanks for reading... Byeee my sugaries <3

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