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• Kim Mansion•

3rd Person's POV

They were thinking of their sister sitting in the living room while they heard someone opened the main door of their house. For once they thought it was their sister they were smiling. But it was their parents. Their smile slowly faded away.

Mrs Kim, their mother rushed towards them and hugged each one of them and kissed on their forehead.

They were in Spain because of their work they weren't home for almost 2 Months. And finally they were back.

Then their mom was searching for Se Hee. She called her name several times too. But she didn't find her anywhere so she finally thought of asking about her.

The boys looked down they didn't have the courage to say anything to their parents about her.

_________End of POV _________

Meanwhile in Busan

Hye Jin's POV

We had conversation for a while and then we started to sip our drinks without talking. Then I look at them.

They were seeing each other's faces and maybe having a secret conversation with their eyes or something I don't understand that. And they seemed nervous too. It's like they wanted to ask me something.

So I shrugged off that thought and decided to ask them.

I said "Guys what's wrong you seen nervous. Is anything bothering you". They looked at me with a nervous smile.

Then Seo Jun spoke "It's kinda awkward but can you give us your contact number so that we can contact you" with a nervous tone.

I laughed lightly. They looked at me with a confused look. I stopped laughing and said "Of Course you can have my number. You were nervous to ask that. Haha Com'on we are friends right".

Then they smiled and "Yeah we are friends of course. It was was just we thought you would misunderstand us if we ask for your number" Jackson said.

I said "Guys its okay chill. I understand but know that I am not a person who misunderstands things". They looked at me and smiled "it's good to have a friend like you Hye Jin-ah" They said in unison. And chuckled because of their habit of saying in unison.

I give them my number and then looked at my phone it was 3pm already. When i came it was 1:30pm. 'Woah time passes so soon with friends and loved ones' I thought to myself.

Then I hear someone shaking my hands. Oh it was Jackson. He said "Where were you lost?". Then I said "Ah nothing just remembered a piece of memory". They looked at me and smiled. Then I said "Okay Guys I need to go now. Bye. Meet you guys tomorrow in university". I wave them and they wave back.

And I went to a Internet Cafe. I started working here. And here I get 15000₩ KRW. I enter there and start working.

_________End of POV _________

Mrs Kim's POV [it's 8pm]

I shout at them this time " I'M ASKING YOU FOR THE LAST TIME. WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER SE HEE ". then what Jungkook said shocked both me and my husband.

He said "She isn't here. She left the house" looking straight to my eyes. And not even a second passed I went to him and in the next moment a loud sound was heard.

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