CHAPTER-43 [final episode]

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                HAPPY ENDING? {2}

Author's POV

As the boys opened their sister's room they saw her sleeping very very peacefully. That peacefulness made them afraid.

"Se Hee? Se Hee-ya? Yah!! Ireona!! Don't joke around Kim se hee. This joke isn't funny at all. Yah!!!" Jungkook said while shaking her violently.

Jin who was on the other side of the bed took her hand trying to find her pulse but he couldn't find it. He checked near her neck but couldn't find once again.

All of them were afraid of the worse. Namjoon soon dialed Mr Lee's number and asked him to come home immediately.

Soon Mr Lee arrived and the boys gave him space to check on their sister. The doctor checked her pulse on her wrist and neck but couldn't find again. He used his stethoscope but there was no sign of her pulse. He removed his stethoscope and checked on her pupils bur no trace of her being alive.

Her body was cold as ice and her skin looked paler than usual. The skin having some yellow tints.

"I'm sorry Mr Kim, Se Hee is dead. Kindly bring her to the hospital for her death certificate. I'm sorry for your loss" the doctor bowed to them giving them space.

They all broke down once again. Jin being the eldest was trying had not to cry because of his younger brothers but who can stop those betraying tears? Just letting the tears down he hugged jungkook because he was the most broken now. Who wouldn't be broken when your sister, your twin, your other half and most importantly your family's heart is no more with you.

He was completely broken, hugging her lifeless body, crying his eyes out. Just like him the others were broken too. Yoongi who doesn't cry or show emotions so easily was crying too. She made her strongest brothers weak. Wasn't the lord little selfish by calling Se Hee, a pure soul who deserves nothing but only happiness near him?

Jimin, taehyung were crying in the embrace of namjoon and hoseok who was also a crying wreck. Soojin, who was seeing all these things was crying silently. She went towards her husband and put her hand on his shoulder. He turned and hugged her, crying on the crook of her neck.

[Time skip~]

It was now 8 in the morning. The house was in dead silence and nothing could be heard except for painful sobs.

There was a coffin in which Se Hee was laying, wearing a white gown looking like a princess from the Disney movies. But the difference is she wouldn't wake up if her prince charming came to her and kissed her lips to wake her up.

"Jungkook-ah eat something. Please" said Mrs Kim who was trying to feed the youngest. He wouldn't budge to open his mouth. The other 6 at least could handle themselves. Se Hwa who had no knowledge of what was going on jumped from her father's embrace and went towards jungkook.

"S-samcheon. Don't cry" She wiped his tears. He saw her and busted in tears once again. Se Hwa reminds them of Se Hee. She was the person who handled him even being apart from him when he was tired from the world.

Jackson and Seo jun both entered the hall and saw the scene. They both had dry tears on their faces. When they heard the news they couldn't help but let the tears out. "So this is what you meant by our last hug? You bitch how you could you leave us here huh?" Seo Jun bitterly chuckled at the body of his friend. Jack was crying for his friend too.

Another figure entered the hall running towards the body. Sitting next to her body she cried "How could you just leave? You said you were my elder sister then how could you leave me here? You promised to stay by my side and help me grow the company. But why?" She was another fragile soul. Miso.

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