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      [Do listen to the above attached song when you read]

Jin's POV

I took the diary in my hand and looked at my brothers nervously thinking what will be written. Then I opened the book and read the 1st Page. I read it loud so the others could hear too. It was written.

   " 29 July   Bio:-               
Hey I'm Kim Se Hee. I'm 16 years old. I have a huge family. I have 7 elder brothers who love me and I have my mom and dad too. I am really happy to have them. But I guess I don't deserve them. They are too good. I wish God to fulfill their wishes and I know one of their wish. It is I should be completely vanish from their sight and their life too. I just pray that I hope it comes true. If it doesn't I myself will make it true. My brothers are calling me. I know for what reason. It's to beat me."

I nearly teared up. Then Hobi said "We didn't wish for you to vanish Se Hee-ya. Mianhae".
Then I couldn't read the next page. So yoongi took the book and turned to the next page.
_________End of POV _________

Yoongi's POV

Hyung couldn't read more. So I took the book. And looked at them nervously again. Then I turned the 2nd page. I started to read loudly. There was blood too in the page but I still read it. It was written

"Today is 5th of August. I have made a habit of writing diary once a week. Because I can't write it daily. Everyday is the same. So no use of writing daily :) My brothers are happy because they beat me. They feel calm when they hit me. Because they have a tough day too. They show me love when they hit me. This is their way of showing love. I have no problem when they hit me. Today I was hit again because I came late from school. It is because I was given punishment for coming late. I daily get punishment. It's not new to me. I even like to spend time alone. So getting punishment not a big deal :D
Anyways talk to you later my best friends, my knife and book."

I couldn't take it anymore. She even cut herself. Why did she do that. I was sobbing and my brothers couldn't believe what and all happened to our sister. We decided to read 1 by 1. So now Hobi took the book.
_________End of POV _________

3rd Person's POV
Seo Jun and Jackson reached to her apartment then they messaged her that they have reached. Then she replied that she is also coming. She came faster than expected. She smiled and asked to follow her. We started to follow. It was room no. 1350. It was in the 6th Floor. We went using the lift.

She then opened the door and we entered. She smiled and said "Welcome to my small house". They both chuckled at her reaction.  Then said "Thank you Kim Hye Jin". They started to look around. After having a small tour she then brought them to the dining table and they were surprised.

Then Jackson said "Woah! Did you prepare this by yourself?". She said "Yeah I did. Does it not look good?". She asked as she was feeling nervous. It's the first time she cooked for someone else. Then Seo Jun "No it looks great." Then both said "Thank you for the food". Then she said "Don't be standing. Take your seat and start eating. All for you guys". She said smiling. They sat and said "You too sit and have with us Hye Jin". She then sat and started having with them.
_________End of POV _________

Hye jin's POV

I didn't start to eat. I was waiting for their response about the food. They had a weird face. I couldn't say what they were thinking. I again nervously said "It doesn't taste good,right?". Then Jackson said "No it doesn't taste good" then I looked at them with an apologetic face I said "Sorry-"

But I was cut off by both "It tastes the best. Thanks for the food. It reminds us of homemade food". I smiled and said "Good to know you liked it". Then Seo Jun said "Thanks for inviting us at dinner. We could eat homemade food". I said "no problem if you want I can prepare That often for you both" I smiled. They said "Really? Can you". I said "yes Anything for you guys" I winked at them playfully. They chuckled and said "Thank you very much".

~Time skip~
After having our food I said "guys go to the living room I'll be back." They did as I said and then I took ice-cream for them and bought for me too as they will ask about where is my scoop so i already took.

I went back and gave them and said "Guys I don't have dessert. But here's your favorite ice cream". I showed it to them they were staring at me with amazement and said "It's only 2 days and you know us so well".

Then Jack said "Woah you know our favorite flavor too

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Then Jack said "Woah you know our favorite flavor too. 고맙다 (Thank you) Hye Jin-ah". After that I gave them their bowls and took my bowl too.

I sat and then they said "So Hye Jin say us about you". Then I sighed and said "I'll say but you should keep it a secret and you should say about you too. Deal". They laughed and said "Deal".

I started to say "So I'm an orphan. My parents and siblings abandoned me. So I started to live my life alone. I used to work at a house as a servant. They beat me and threw my food too. So now I left that house and started to live here. And you must be wondering about how I entered to this famous, expensive and rich college". They just nodded. I sighed "I used to study the whole night and the other time I used to work for them. And then I ranked 2nd among the top 3 in Korea. So I got money from scholarship. And as you know I used work at my part-time job. So I saved enough money for my living expenses but still didn't have enough for entering here. I gave a scholarship exam and I got 98/100. So yeah I'm here now. I'm done it's your turn now". I said while they are looking at me with a teary as well as shocked face.  [Author- why is this girl always in shock or gives every one shock? Is she electricity or what? 0_0]
_______To be continued______

Hope you enjoyed reading this new update. Do comment how this chapter was. What do you think is Seo Jun's and Jackson's story/background.

Anyways new update will be there soon.

Bye. Love Yaa <3


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