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3rd person's POV

As Se Hee and her brothers entered the office of Mr Lee, the doctor asked Se Hee to take her seat and as there was not much of seats so the rest of the boys stood behind her.

The doctor said "So Miss Kim I would like to run some tests on you so I could know more about your health. So can we proceed if you are okay with it?"

She looked at the doctor and nodded her head "Sure Mr Lee. Thank you for giving me some of your time to us"

The doctor got up from the chair and gestured towards the door, and said "This way Miss Kim and I would like if you you boys stay here for the time being"

The boys were going to deny but she said "I'll be back after the tests and don't worry I'll be fine" she gave them a reassuring smile and left with the doctor leaving the boys alone.

Only 5 mins have passed but the boys can't even stay calm without knowing what is going on there.

~Meanwhile ~

Se Hee went with the doctor in the CT scan room. The doctor said "Miss Kim can you lay down in the bed so that I can take a scan of your brain."

As doctor said she nodded her head and laid there "Mr Lee there's no need to be formal with me. I'm the same as your daughter do call me Se Hee"

He nodded his head and said "Se Hee I'm going to check the size of tumor. Shall we start?" she nodded her head and laid properly.

The doctor did a scan and then took some samples of her blood. After about an hour all the things were done.

The doctor went to the laboratory to get the results whereas She went back to the cabin only to see the seven boys walking back and forth restlessly.

After they saw the her figure standing there they ran towards her and pulled her to a hug. Se Hee hissed in pain behind they are like hulk seriously. And taehyung hit her on the spot from where the blood was taken.

They boys backed away seeing her hissing in pain. She said "Yah oppa! It hurts"

_________End of POV _________

Se Hee's POV

After going through all the test Mr Lee said I was on my way back to the cabin. I don't know why my head really hurts.

I said about this to Mr Lee. He said that we have to wait for the results that will be out in like 20 mins as he was gonna do it himself in a completely separate lab which was his personal one.

I was now standing in front of the cabin. I opened the door knob and saw jungkook, hobi oppa and jimin oppa walking back and forth. Jin oppa, namjoon oppa and tae oppa trying to calm themselves as well as making the 3 calm too. Yoongi oppa was sitting on the chair biting his fingers? What the hell? Why are they like this?

As soon as they saw me they rushed towards me and hugged me. Ouch! I hissed.

Ah it hurts. My head as well as my arm. The needle was not a joke. It hurts. I said "Yah oppa! It hurts" but my eyes got blurry and my head was throbbing. It felt like it might blast any minute.

I held tightly my head and sat on floor. I literally screamed my life out. I heard some muffled noises but it wasn't clear I could only hear two sounds properly, that is my heart beat and a loud noise of the door being opened with a thud and I passed out.

_________End of POV _________

Jimin's POV {Brought to you by hobi's love for snakes}

When we pulled back from the hug we saw her holding her head and sitting on the floor. What's wrong with her. We were panicking.

None of us were in the right state of mind but we had to calm down. We called "Se Hee wake up. Nothing has happened. Wake up please"

Then the door opened with a loud thud revealing Mr Lee panting heavily and on the other side Se Hee passed out.

The doctor said "Bring her to the emergency room. We have to perform an emergency operation NOW " and with that he left I guess to prepare for the operation.

As I was holding her in my arms I picked Se hee up in bridal style and ran towards the operation room that was qt the end of the corridor. Soon some nurse's came with the bed. I placed her on the bed and was pushing it to the operation room but as we reached there they didn't let us enter.

Our brains aren't processing now. She was fine until the previous moment what just have happened? Why is it happening only to her.

I said "Jin Hyung I think we should inform this to her friends too as they took care of her when we weren't there. Don't you think?" he said "I think we should and with that we can ask about her condition too. OK so jungkook call Seo Jun while I call Jackson." [yeah guys I didn't forgot about our jack and Seo Jun]

Then as Jin hyung and jungkook called them and said them about Se Hee's condition hobi hyung said "Hyung shouldn't we inform this to our parents too? I mean they didn't meet Se Hee and miss her as we did. What do you think?"

With that hobi hyung called our eomma whereas namjoon hyung called appa. Then they hung up and said "They when be here before 6pm"

After waiting for about half an hour Seo Jun and Jackson rushed towards us and held tae and me by our collars.

Seo Jun said "What happened to her? Why is she in the hospital. Did it happen again?" wait what again? I don't understand.

I said "A-Again?"

He replied "Yes again"

Jungkook asked "What do you mean by again?"

Jackson said "She was in the hospital before too because of her health. Her life span is becoming smaller day by day. How many days is left." He sighed.

Yoongi hyung who was quiet throughout the whole time said "Will you now say us what the actual fuck have happened in the past four years?" with gritted teeth. He looks too angry.

He sighed and said "It was back when we---"

_________End of POV _________

To be Continued ~~

Hey guys.... It's a new chapter. I updated it as an apology gift. I'm not gonna update until the 13th. Anyways do say me how you like this chapter.

It's 12:50 am and my eyes are drooling over to close.

It's just a short chapter. Now imma go sleep. Bye guys. Pray for my ass to not be wacked by my mum.

Anyways bye guys. Have a great time. Lemme drift to dream land <3

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