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            •~In Kim Mansion~•
3rd Person's POV

Hoseok started to read.

"It's 5th of August. I don't have anything intresting to talk about. It's same as usual. But my oppa's seem very tired and worried. I guess it is because of work stress. I did all the work fast. I don't want them to hit me and become more tired. It makes me feel sad. I really don't know what to write now".

After that namjoon took the book and read,

"It's 10th of August. My brothers were happy because Jin oppa had a successful business deal today. It's too good. I'm happy very very very happy. I hope he becomes more successful by time".

Next Jimin took the book and read it,

"It's 16th of August and I was bullied again by none other than the queenika of the school Min Jaehyeon. And today also I looked at my 3 brothers they saw, But did nothing. I guessed it already. I can't help I'm ugly".

Next Taehyung took the book and read it,

"It's 26th Of August. Few days to go for our birthday. Oh my mistake Jungkook's birthday. I'm thinking of making a cake. I'll just make it and keep it inside the fridge. They will use that cake I believe. I hope so he does that".

And the last but not the least it's jungkook's turn to read. He took the book and sighed. He wiped his tears and read it,

"It's September 1st My twin's birthday and I'm 17. It's almost 10 years I didn't celebrate my birthday. But it's okay. Instead of me at least Jungkook is celebrating his birthday. As usual I went to school today and was bullied by Jaehyeon. As I don't belong from a rich family and I'm ugly they don't give me little bit of respect too. As I don't want to ruin my brothers reputation because of me, I didn't say anyone that the 3 heartrobes of school are my brothers. I just said I'm an orphan. So this is also a reason I was bullied anyways I will not write from now on:( ".

They were heart broken after reading. Unfortunately there were only 7 pgs to read. They started to cry. Then they started turning the pages and saw many pics of the 7 brothers. She kept it as a memory. And there was a drawing too of them. It was beautiful.

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Jungkook's POV

Hobi hyung spoke "We didn't know that she was hiding all these things inside her little heart". This time yoongi hyung spoke "She even cut herself. Why did she do it".

I said "It was all my mistake. If I didn't ignore or hurt her this wouldn't have happened". Then namjoon hyung said "No Jungkook-ah it's not only your mistake. It's our mistake too". Then taehyung hyung spoke "If we haven't done that we wouldn't have been suffering now". Then we all looked at each other and said "We have to find her no matter how much time it takes".

_________End of POV_________

Seo Jun's POV

I and Jack looked at her in disbelief at what we heard. We didn't want to make her uncomfortable so we didn't ask any more questions. I then Said about me "So I'm from Busan. Basically when I was 8 years old my mom passed away in an accident. My dad was always overseas due to his business work. Our head maid used to take care of me. And to be honest I'm not as good as you in studies haha. And about having friends jack is my only friend from kindergarten and here you are my second best friend". I smiled at her. She smiled and said "It's good to have a friend in your hard times right". I nodded.

It was Jack's time to speak. I and Hye Jin look at him. He then spoke...

_________End of POV _________

Jackson's POV

They look at me then I started to say about me "So I'm from busan too. And my parents died when I was 5. They were returning from a party but a huge truck crashed the car. So our head maid raised me too. I love her as much as I love my mom. She takes care of me as her own son. And Seo Jun is my only friend too. When I was sad and wanted comfort he was there for me. I also have a small sister who is 13 years old. And about studies I and Seo Jun are the same". As I said i and Seo started to laugh loudly. Seeing us laugh like that she also started to laugh but slowly.

Then I said "It was nice knowing a little about you. And thanks for inviting us for dinner. It's already 10pm. We should be going now".

Then Seo Jun said "Yeah we should be heading home now. Tomorrow is Sunday so wanna hangout?". She thought for a while and said "Yeah sure. It would be fun. And thanks for being my friend". We both said "That's not an issue hehe".

I said "So tomorrow morning at 11. We will pick you up". She nodded.

_________End of POV _________

Hye jin's POV

I say goodbye to them and come inside. I go to my room and started writing my diary about today. It was better than the days I was in the Kim mansion. At least they treat me as a friend, a family and most importantly as a woman.
I still didn't say them the other half of the truth. It will take some time to do that. Anyways let's just sleep. Tomorrow I should wake up early. I will have fun with them.

I'm exited. With that I fell asleep.

_________End of POV _________

•~Meanwhile in the Kim mansion~•

3rd person's POV

After reading the diary they all went to their respective rooms to sleep. They have to find her tomorrow too. But jungkook is still in her room lost in thoughts of his twin baby sister Se hee.

Thinking about her a small tear left from his eyes. He cried until he was asleep. Their parents have also gone to overseas again for business trip. It's not new. They keep having important clients. It was too silent. The mansion was no more cheerful. Only clouds of sadness surrounded the whole mansion.

_________End of POV _________

To be continued

Hey guys new update here. Hope you enjoyed reading this. If it isn't good I should unpublish it..

Anyways bye love Yaa <3

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