PART- 37

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                       MEMORIES {1}

Se Hee's pov

I saw her cute little face and I gasped keeping my hands near my mouth a little surprised that my brother has not only a wife but also a daughter woah "Omo! Oppa when did you marry?"

I nudged my elbow to him and said "oppa how were able to marry this beautiful eonnie over here and have a lovely daughter like this huh?" With a smirk.

"Oh my God I see someone is blushing hard here ey" I said to both of them.

I squatted down to the level of my niece
who was hiding behind her mother's leg "Hey pumpkin. You are so cute!!!" I squealed. She was still hiding.

I smiled softly and said "Hey don't be afraid. Im your aunt. What is your name?" She peeped and said "Se Hwa"

Aww why is she so cuteeeeeee.

Then I stood and bowed to eonnie "Annyonghaseyo eonnie I'm Kim Se Hee it's nice meeting you."

She said "Ey ey there's no need for formalities. And I'm Soojin, your Jin oppa's wife and this is our daughter Se Hwa. Say annyong to Se Hee imo."

She came front and said "Annyong imo"

I took her in my arms and turned towards the others and said "So when am I going ba-" but was cut off by the loud sound of the door being opened and there stood 2.....guys? panting heavily? I put Se Hwa down as she went back to her appa.

"Umm I guess you are in a wrong ward?" But instead of them going I was met with a bone crushing hug.

They pulled apart and bombarded me with questions like "How are you?" "When did you wake up?" " Why didn't you say us?"

I looked at their faces properly. I think I have seen them somewhere. I was squinting my eyes trying to think where I met them and then it clicked me.

These were the 2 idiots who made me like them and now it's the 3 idiots haha. It's "JACK, SEO JUN-AH OMO WHEN DID YOU GUYS COME. I MISSED YOU GUYS SO MUCH" I jumped on jack and pulled seo Jun into another hug.

But after quite some seconds I came out from the koala grip and stood in front of them with hands crossed over my chest and looked at them with an eyebrow raised "Why tf did you gu-" I was cut off by Jin oppa smacking my head "Language lady. Here's a kid and you are not old enough to use those words here."

"Ow! Okay okay oppa I'm sorry." I said.

"WOAH everyone clap. I see someone is apologizing" said Seo Jun mockingly followed with Jack clapping behind. I just looked at them throwing daggers from my eyes and they shut immediately.

If glaring could kill someone they would be saying hello to hell by now because they would be already dead by my gaze.
We all spoke for a while and then they started to leave one by one. Jin oppa, soojin eonnie and Se Hwa left first as our little pumpkin was hungry as well as sleepy. Jimin oppa, hoseok oppa, taehyung oppa and joon oppa had to leave because of Jin oppa's nagging on 'why do you sleep late' and yoongi oppa had to leave because he had to leave for work early tomorrow followed with seo Jun and Jack.

Jungkook did not go even after saying him that I'm fine. Everyone left. I sighed "jungkook you should leave too. See I'm fine and healthy. You should go home and have some rest. You hav-" I was cut off again for the nth time by jungkook "Excuse me lady, I'm older than you so give some respect. Call me 'oppa' and I ain't going anywhere. I'm staying with you and that's final. Now come let's sleep."

I huffed and laid on the bed still pouting. Jungkook came near me and said "Move a little" I did and he laid next to me.

He turned me towards him and hugged me. My face was near his chest. I hugged him back and now I can hear our heart beat in the same rhythm.
It's peaceful like a lullaby. I slept in his arms just like the old days.

__________End of POV__________

3rd person's POV

Days went by, Se Hee's health was better and she came back home. All treated her like a princess. She was happy. They all were happy. But till when will this happiness be? Can they be happy like this forever?

Her days to live was extended. Thanks to her being in coma. It extended her life by 1 month. Can't believe right. But God had different plans. He wants them to be happy for some more time. It isn't right to snatch their happiness when they found their happiness after so damn long time.

As days passed they all became close to each other. Actually no, they became fond of each other.

One night when they all were gathered for eating dinner Se Hee proposed an idea "oppa let's go for a bike ride. What do you say" She looked up with hopefully eyes.

They all sighed and hobi said "My baby corn you are not well. And do you know how to ride a bike?"

She sighed "Oppa I'm saying again that I'm fine. It's not like I'm dying. And yes I do know how to ride a bike."

After a lot of convincing she was able to convince them to go for a ride.

As they all were exited for a new adventure they went to sleep. Except for 2 people. Jungkook and Se Hee.

Se Hee was writing something and on the other hand jungkook was disturbed but he doesn't understand by what. He was feeling uneasiness.

__________End of POV _________

Jungkook's POV *Brought to you by yoongi's tangerine ^^*

I wasn't able to sleep. I wasn't having any good feeling for the next upcoming days. Something is gonna happen and it is for surely related to Se Hee.

I walked out of my room and knocked on Se Hee's room. I heard a faint noise of 'come in' so I went in. I saw she was writing something but closed the book.

She asked "Oh kookie. What are you doing here? Feeling uneasy?" I just nodded. She always knows what happens with me.

She went to her bed and patted the place next to her. I went there and we both laid. She pulled me into a hug and now she was in my arms, her head on my chest.

She said "If you have anything to share you can say me. I'm always here for you, you know right."

I replied "It's nothing let's sleep."

And with that we slept hoping for a wonderful day.

__________End of POV _________

Hey guys sorry for a short yet late chapter. I really want to complete this book fast but can't. I am having continuous exams and fights with my mom regarding studies. Anyways I know I'm late but MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS. Hope you get all the happiness and joy this Christmas.

I hope yoongi, Jin and joonie gets well soon and whoever r sick should get well soon. If you guys aren't well take care of yourself cuz know that I'm here waiting to talk to u guys :)

Always smile and forget about the bad things. You guys remember right what yoongi said "Live the way you want, it's ur life after all"

Do comment and like. I love to ready ur comments. It just gives me more energy to come up from my sulking and lazy nature to write a chapter for u. Thank you for the views.

I just can't believe my book is been read by ppl. Anyways Goodnight guys. I'll try to update soon. Have a wonderful time.

Byeeeee ❤ <3

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