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Jackson's POV

She said "It's just a habit guys. You don't have to worry. Anyways you guys have you food it's already time for our next class. I'll go to library and you guys eat your food and come to class. I'll wait. Bye". With that she smiled and left.

I looked at Seo Jun and said "Seo Jun-ah I think she is hiding something that is painful enough. What do you think". He said "Jack I think that too. Anyways let's just eat and go to the class as our next subject is Accounts. We cannot miss that". We started to eat.

After eating we went to the class. We entered the classroom and went to our seat. Then we saw hye Jin she was too focused in studying that she didn't notice us.

I looked at Seo Jun. We spoke with each other through our eyes. We are good at speaking without sound. After that the teacher entered the class. Then Hye Jin noticed that we are sitting next to her.

She smiled and said "Oh you guys are here".

_________End of POV _________

Hye jin's POV

As the teacher entered I looked at her then I saw 2 boys sitting beside me. I looked at them and smiled. Then said "Oh you guys are here. I didn't notice as I was studying. Sorry". I said.

They said "It's okay. We understand". They smiled at me. I was happy.

~Time skip~{I'm very lazy to write about the whole lecture. Forgive me -Author}

After class was done we all packed our bags and I saw the time it was 2:30pm. They asked me "Wanna go have lunch?". I said "guys not now. At night we will have when you come. Okay". I said and they sighed loudly. And said "Okay". I left from there to go to my part-time job.

_________End of POV _________

Yoongi's POV

It's already 2 days we are looking for her. Where did she go? Nobody saw her. It's weird. Did something happen to her. No-no I am just over thinking. Com'on yoongi get hold of yourself. Focus on searching for your sister. I don't know why I miss her.

When we said mom about the reason why she left us. Mom was too angry. She said "I didn't expect this from you all. Aren't you all her elder brother. She was just a small girl. She didn't know that the accident will take place. You are really irresponsible".

Then dad also said "We have given you all only 1 responsibility that is to take care of your dongseng, your sister. What did you do? You sent her out? Seriously that is the way you take care of her? You really have dissapointed us". I mean they aren't saying something wrong. It was us who misbehaved with her. She was just a kid. I want you to be safe My little princess.

_________End of POV _________

Jimin's POV

After what mom and dad said we really were feeling guilty for what we have done. Well it's our mistake too. We tortured her but Atleast we should have loved her little bit.

We didn't do that but we got all the love we didn't deserve. We really are demons. We are searching for her everywhere. We don't even know where she can go. I'm tired now.

__________End of POV_________

Hye Jin's POV

I was doing my work. Then I saw the time it's already 7:30pm. My shift is over. I changed my clothes. I will to my house as it is only 15 minutes away from my work place. While walking I saw a book store.

I went in and bought a diary. As I forgot to bring my old diary. I guess no one will know that I have left a diary in my room.

They don't worry about me or love me so why will they bother to go to my room. I then went to a grocery store to buy some groceries as Seo Jun and Jack will come for dinner tonight.

I bought meat, few vegetables and ice cream. I guess they like ice cream as that day before entering the cafe they bought ice cream. I remember their favorite flavor Seo Jun's is butterscotch and Jack's is chocolate.

I bought that and went back to my house. I started to prepare the dinner. I prepared Bulgogi, Kimchi, Korean fried Chicken and jajjangmyeon.

I bought tteokbokki (Red rice cakes) from the nearest rice cakes shop. I was done making them within 45 mins. I then went to take bath. And wore my comfortable Clothes that is my favorite PJs.

Now I'm done with everything only they must come. It's the first time my friends are coming to my house. Woah now I have friends too. I love my life now. Really. Thank You God for this.

_________End of POV _________

No one's POV

It's 8pm right now. All the boys have come home, not home to a house where people only take shelter.

It was a home before because there was someone who used to wait for them with love. But that person is gone. They don't know will she ever return.

They were back after a long day, well everyday is a long day for them.

They gathered in Se Hee's room. They had their dinner soon today. The were sitting on the floor making a circle and staring at a book. Mostly it's a diary.

~Flashback ~

Hoseok was looking at a drawer. He thought of opening it. He then saw it was a book. Probably a diary of Se Hee. He called all the others. And now they are sitting in a circle.

~~•End of Flashback•~~

They look at each other thinking should they open or not. Then Jin finally gathered the courage to open the book. He sighed and then took the book in his hands.

He looked at the first page and read it louder so that the others could listen what was written inside.

It was written '...............'

_______To be Continued _____

Hey guys. New update. Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Do not hesitate to say how this book was. Thanks for reading.

Bye. Love Yaa<3

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